For my fellow birds without wings💕 - My MSAA Community
For my fellow birds without wings💕

Beautiful song! I wish we all soar like birds today 🌈 Thank you for this Tutu.

Beautiful song. Always fly ♡
Love it Tutu, beautiful. With hope you can fly 🕊🌈
It is one of my favorite songs. I'm happy you found it inspiring too. Where would we be without faith, HOPE and love? 💕
This song helped motivate me today when I really needed some motivation. Thank you very much!!
Aww, Dave, I'm happy to hear that. (My husband's name is Dave, so it is easier for me to remember your name 😊).
I've always loved music-especially those songs with beautifully written lyrics. I hope my inability to read, write, or sit and do much mentally these days is temporary. Hope gets me through those self-pity days. And so does music. My soul hasn't lost the ability to listen and understand like my mind has! And for that, I am so blessed and thankful.
Another song that lifts me when I feel unproductive, or I dwell on lost goals and dreams is: Legacy by Nichole Nordeman. The lyrics to that song are somehow able to redirect me and help me feel at peace with what I CAN do no matter what MS takes from me. It's a Christian song, but if you care to listen, below is the link. You can also google the song and read the lyrics. 💕
It is such a beautiful and encouraging song.
I love this song and Idina Menzel! Thank you for adding this song!