Hi there so I've decided to not take my amertripline anymore and go for a 6 week course of accupuncure instead and some special Chinese herbs has anyone had accupucture??? And any outcomes ??? I've got spinal arthritis in my spine top and bottom and body numbness that comes and goes ????? Xx
Accupucture ?? Or amertriplin ??? Xx - Cervical Myelopathy
Accupucture ?? Or amertriplin ??? Xx

Gina, I feel so bad not answering before this, however, I am getting over some surgery myself. Can you tell us how you are doing now? Have you given up the meds for acupuncture? If so, how did it go for you? It didn't make a difference for me, I am wondering if perhaps it is the person I was going to, I don't know. My pain is handled mostly with Lyrica and Duloxetine, also some analgesic creams. I would however like to come down off of some of it.
After your surgery how were your symptoms.
Thank you
Hi Sheila thank you for your reply it's definitely made a difference my joints are looser now can move much better than before my arthritis in spine will always be there it's not going anywhere and still getting twinges in spine but my overall body feels so much more functional and my left knee is 100% better than before for me it's made a huge difference to my everyday mobility which is good it's not cheap I've had 6 sessions so far and some not so nice tasting chinese herbs to get rid of damp in my body !!! 😊 so fingers crossed it will continue found a old school chinese doc that lives up the road from me he's been doing it for 40 years !! Hope this helps you sweety take care x