Ive just recieved my results on my spine MRI and the neurologist said it all looks fine have a number of problems in my c spin and lower back have done for years its just got worse as the years have gone on !!
Pins / needles in hands arms ,legs and feet daily
Top of left foot is still numb
My c spine is painful and numb pinching feeling and burning
Lower back is painful when i bend and have a pain running down my left leg
My joints are not good and my spine is always clicking
Sometimes cannot get out of bed its painful
Im a bit fed up to say the least had a letter which took 8 weeks for her to send me with 3 lines on it no sign of compression or nerve damage and nothing else im a bit lost really
Seriously waited a long time to see her and for my scan feel its all been for nothing !!
Should i look into it more go private with my scans ??? Can they get it wrong ??? Any info would be helpful at this point
Thank you