Can an neurologist be wrong MRI of sp... - Cervical Myelopathy

Cervical Myelopathy

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Can an neurologist be wrong MRI of spine ?? Help appreciated x

Ginajones profile image
12 Replies


Ive just recieved my results on my spine MRI and the neurologist said it all looks fine have a number of problems in my c spin and lower back have done for years its just got worse as the years have gone on !!

Pins / needles in hands arms ,legs and feet daily

Top of left foot is still numb

My c spine is painful and numb pinching feeling and burning

Lower back is painful when i bend and have a pain running down my left leg

My joints are not good and my spine is always clicking


Sometimes cannot get out of bed its painful

Im a bit fed up to say the least had a letter which took 8 weeks for her to send me with 3 lines on it no sign of compression or nerve damage and nothing else im a bit lost really

Seriously waited a long time to see her and for my scan feel its all been for nothing !!

Should i look into it more go private with my scans ??? Can they get it wrong ??? Any info would be helpful at this point

Thank you

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Ginajones profile image
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12 Replies
jointpain profile image

My diagnosis of cervical spinal stenosis was after an MRI scan and came at the same time as I was diagnosed with low B12 possibly pernicious anemia, they both can give similar symptoms, so for me I had a double whammy of symptoms not dissimilar to what you describe. I have a daily 250mg naproxen, and inject with the GPs knowledge 1000mg of B12, a week.This helps enormously. But I feel there is some permanent damage which I can't really describe.

Ginajones profile image
Ginajones in reply to jointpain

Thank you for your reply ahh no that must of been a shock for you hope your coping well xI really do not know where to go from here had this problem for 6 years ect now was hoping for answers from neuro but nothing !!! Some days i cannot move !! It does get me down i feel as though i need to get answers so thinking about getting a private neuro to look at my scans i feel know my body !! Its not normal and needs sorting out once and for all xx

Again thank you for taking time to reply appreciate it take care x

phyllisha profile image
phyllisha in reply to Ginajones

i would get another opinion. your symptoms appear to be myelopathy

Ginajones profile image
Ginajones in reply to phyllisha

Thank you for your reply phyllisha yeah i think i will do sometjing isnt right had it for over 6 years now i can feel it so think i will go down that route take care x

jointpain profile image
jointpain in reply to Ginajones

It might be a long shot, but ask to have your vitamin B12 blood serum checked by your doctor. It may provide the answer.

Ginajones profile image
Ginajones in reply to jointpain

Thats actually a good idea i will do ill ring her monday x ty

Emma2017 profile image

I would get a second opinion to be on the safe side. Plus I would ask to see a neurosurgeon (specialising in spine issues) not a neurologist as a surgeon is the one that looks at these scans a lot more due to him needing them for his operations.

Ginajones profile image
Ginajones in reply to Emma2017

Ahh ok xx thats go info thank you xx

Neckback profile image

Classic Myelopathy symptoms, I would book a private appointment with a neurologist/spinal surgeon and also request a new MRI scan with them, as I doubt it would be the first time that somebody may have mixed up names with scans. Just as an example, my spinal surgeon for my RTA with my GP notes, states that I have my right ring finger missing after a traumatic injury, obviously I did show him at my appointment that it was there and still wriggling🤣

Ginajones profile image
Ginajones in reply to Neckback

Omg really !! Thats terrible xx yeah think i. Going to do that ! Thank you so much

Neckback profile image
Neckback in reply to Ginajones

It might help by printing off a body map from the Internet, then identifying the areas that you have, numbness, pins and needles, pain, aches, spasms etc… and also keeping a daily log of you symptoms and noting any increased symptoms, levels of pain, after any physical exertions you do and how it affects your sleep too.

Ginajones profile image
Ginajones in reply to Neckback

I did do this when i went to my neuro appointment !! She didnt seem to take much notice a good few months before after speaking to my GP she said im referring you to a neurologist but there is a big waiting list in the mean while if symptoms get bad ring 111 so i did and they sent me to A&E they tested me for stroke and brain tumor all test came back clear thank god !! Because i had alot of facial numbness stabbing pains in my head left side and loss of sight in left eye for a short period of time !! She wrote on my notes possible migraine but rest needs investagating so skip months later finally got my appointment through for my neurologist and when i went in took my dairy and notes of symptoms as directed by GP .so there was me reading out list and dairy and blabbering on and it felt like shed already made her mind up i was in There 15 mins !! Straight away she said migraine but my other symtoms needed investergating further so she sent me for a full spinal MRI what really annoyed me was it took her 8 weeks to write a 3 line letter basiclly saying no sign of spinal compression and no sign of nerve damage at presant no further appointment has been made !!! That was it so now i find myself in limbo !! No answers !! Nothing !!! Thank you again for your reply its so reasurring knowing im not actually bat crazy !!! Thats how i felt coming out of that appointment !!! X

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