Keratin (?) / sebum (?) plugs attached to Scabs - MY SKIN


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Keratin (?) / sebum (?) plugs attached to Scabs

WKitty profile image
15 Replies

It's been chronic for about 3 years, and not many people seem to suffer with these plugs that develop in wounds. Incredibly itchy. When pulled out to get relieve, they bleed profusely for a bit and then stops.

I have the same wounds from a year back.

It's only where I'm wounded does it develop.

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WKitty profile image
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15 Replies
lovesradio profile image

Goodness, you are having a bit of a struggle with this. It sounds like the wounds are getting infected with something and not healing properly. Are you in the UK and under the care of a GP? If so the service might have a practice nurse that specialises in wound dressing. I sliced my lower right leg open on a metal bike pedal in 2021 on holiday in Shetland. It was stitched at the Gilbert Bain A&E dept, and when I came home I was under the care of a practice nurse who removed the stitches and dressed the wound twice a week for two weeks then weekly for another four. It healed beautifully and there is no scar.

DakCB-UK profile image
DakCB-UK in reply to lovesradio

Infection wouldn't normally cause pure white hard lumps, would it? When I had something similar and it became infected (the white substance was protruding through the skin, breaking it as I moved), it became surrounded by horrible yellow pus. The white lumps continued after topical treatment had resolved the infection.

chotiroti profile image

Ihad perforated collagenosis which has collagen plugs which formed and came off when I scratched as were itc hing. Sometimes bleeding, sometimes not.It supposedly came from chronic eczema and my scratching. Havehad it for a year and now having to take Methotrexate as prescribed by Dermo.. These plugs of yours sound like collagen.

DakCB-UK profile image
DakCB-UK in reply to chotiroti

I'm not sure it's collagen. If it's hard, like a fingernail that's been in water for hours, it could be keratin. My two cases years apart of single big scabs on my back producing keratin plugs stopped with application of topical steroids (betamethasone I think?), but I have developed other problems due to steroid overuse since then on other problems, so I hope mine doesn't return.

chotiroti profile image
chotiroti in reply to DakCB-UK

I had months of steroids on and off and the itching always came back. Theplugs are hard like scabs. Hoping the Methotrexate works.

Mamashe profile image

I have the same my dermatologist diagnosed nodular prurigo. I have had several treatments but none have worked for me.

EdenMT profile image

I've had this in my hormonal acne. (Jaw and back) it started when I got a mirena BC put in. Mostly cleared when I remove it but any acne or in grown hair on my jaw will still do this depending on my cycle. They don't heal and leave terrible scars. 3 dermatologist and many DR have no clue. I've had it biopsied with no answer.

Cicada385 profile image

I have been dealing with these for a bit over 4 years now. I've seen 8 doctors who threw me antibiotics, steroids, and depression medication. I have broke down crying because they don't listen to me. I've lost my faith in doctors and know that I am on my own. I've spent a small fortune in products. I use a fungal soap followed by a charcoal soap. I use both head to toe.

Listerine mouthwash twice to three times a day. Eating yogurt and taking apple cider vinegar with mother daily.

I have also found that using an electric razor shaving my entire body has helped. I keep a little bit of hair on my head.

I was down to 81 lbs at 5'3" 4 years ago.

Gut/parasite cleansing made a huge improvement with my skin.

I have videos of this stuff moving, but it doesn't always.

It is definitely a parasite. I don't want anyone to think I am saying worms or bugs. A parasite feeds from the host. These things die, shrivel up after removing them.

Don't mention parasite in the doctors office because you will be dismissed immediately.

It is truly disgusting how I have been treated in the doctors offices.

And my kids are dealing with this too, but we all have different levels of this.

I have closely observed my kids and I can see when they are going through what I call an "attack".

I have so much documented on my trials and errors and my observations.

Caric1986 profile image
Caric1986 in reply to Cicada385

So glad I found your post. Aug made 1 yr that I'm dealing g with this. I've got samples and documentation. Theyre basically treating me like I'm Crazy. This is my 4th dermatologist and only my 2nd appointment. I. Hopeful, but it's still to early to see if they will help heal my body and get this parasite out of my body. Demodex in my eyes and on body. I. Praying for relief for you, the kids and myself. Smh.

GoodTone profile image
GoodTone in reply to Cicada385

Hello Cicada385. I would like to make a couple inquiries. What type of clothes washing detergent do you use? Tide, gain, Era? Does the washing liquid have a blue or green tint to the liquid product? I ask, because it's affecting your whole family without a discernible connection. I have been over at neverendingplugs channel giving advice on this affliction. 15 years is how long this "attack" has crippled me. Several years ago, I noticed that the detergent I was using was causing my skin to burn under certain conditions. White plugs and hairs covered in the same plug material. It seemed like the bulb of the hair would grow instead of the hair. It wasn't until my girlfriend got one on her chin that it started to make sense. I knew it wasn't the material of the clothes, I even thought I gave her this debilitating condition. However, I normally wear flop flops in spring and summer so when winter hit (2014) and I started wearing socks, I got infections on the tops of my toes where the hair grows. Burning sensation on my feet and then the plugs. I stopped using the liquid detergent(tide) i was using and switched to era. That helped none since era had the same blue dye as tide. I started purchasing the cheapest thing the dollar store had(sun) because it had no color dye and less potent as the other products mentioned above. I'm now using earth breeze washing sheets and i am in full remission. I want you and your family better because I know how much this sucks and as a mom, you want answers for your children. First rewash all clothes, linen and towels with just vinegar and water in the washer. This will remove any unwanted product from your laundry. Then find a good clear product like the earth breeze sheets and get better. I tried the free and clear by seventh gen but it made me itch. Good luck and hit me up if you have any questions.

mandy141 profile image

I can truly sympathise with you WKitty, I have lived with this myself for 9+ years as has my sister. I have seen several doctors who looked at me like I should be locked away as I must be mentally unstable!

I went through a stage where I was bringing up what looked like blood but had several “things” inside it that I even thought myself that I was going mad! I had maybe 6 lung flushes where I was told that there was a bacteria in my washings? I had several CT scans where they found a mass in the bottom of my left lung and the next time they checked it wasn’t there? So the hospital back tracked and I was told that it must have been a faulty scan. My sister also has the same problem but has never brought anything up from her lungs.

In the end I just stopped talking about it to my doctors as I truly believe that they thought I had lost the plot. I have pictures of it and they were dismissed. So in the end I just decided not to say anything but it still happens and I truly feel that whatever it is will eventually kill me. I hope that the pictures I share won’t disturb members to much.

I have no idea what this is to be honest
chotiroti profile image

I had perforating collagenosis. Started with itching, then all over, and having collagen plugs,which left a crater when come off. They think I got it through severe scratching of extreme excema. Had it for a year,lSteroids - it comes back. Now I am on Methotrexate to keep it under control. I wonder ifi it is something like this. I had to goto Dermatology consultant to deal with it.

Rbbrducky profile image

I have had the exact same since 2019. Have seen numerous doctors culminating in a skin specialist and infectious disease specialist. They have said it it isn't a disease or infection. None of the creams and ointments have had any effect. The Drs say it is just an over production of keratin and there is no way to control it.

Healermommy profile image

The hibiclense really does work! Turns the plugs hard and renders them immobile 🙏 also speeds healing process. I have literally used lysol spray on these suckers because I was so desperate for relief

Healermommy profile image

I have not had even one spot return I never found out my actual diagnosis but it has affected too many people to be imagined it has got to have a legitimate name

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