My face seems to be itching like crazy lately even tho ive been using my creams and antihistamines. Nothing working, its fine one minute and next awful
Eczema: My face seems to be itching like crazy... - MY SKIN

I have had this too. For me, it turned out to be delayed food allergies. Itching like a switch turned on, then usually stops in a similar way some minutes or hours later. Weird since I never had any food allergies until a few years ago.
I have a family member who has had this. Delayed food insensitivity to certain foods. Dermatologists all had one advice - steroids and Protopic. Neither is a good option in the long run if the root cause is not found and addressed in our experience. Eating whole foods plant based foods and avoiding gluten and yeast/fermented produce helps. Try a low histamine diet for a few days to see if it helps. In the meantime, also look into de-stressing with breathing and meditation regularly. The itchiness of eczema or allergy comes and stresses one out and it adds to the original problem.
my skin is a mess histamine tablets don`t work using zero base amongst others and zero base keeps it flat.