Was told blisters on feet and red spots on legs arms and chest are Folliculitis. Had this for months wont go away. Doc prescribed antibiotics. When I asked the doc why my body would not clear up themselves he said my skin must be compromised. Or medications I’m on causing. Have had allergic reaction to high blood pressure med before this and this is when it all started. Started different high blood pressure medication and a have been taking ambien for sleep as this has all stressed me out. Heart condition rashes etc. Has anyone had Folliculitis long term or medication induced Folliculitis. Or had any problems with long term Folliculitis and have any answers. Ideas etc. Thanks.
Folliculitis : Was told blisters on feet and red... - MY SKIN
Hi honey
Ask to be referred to a dermatologist if you can. You might need a repeat course of antibiotics/different type of.
I have eczema problems particularly, but not only, with my feet and ankles, and developed swollen ankles, worse on right foot. GP diagnosed infection, prescribed antibiotics, 4 per day for two weeks, and referred me to dermatologist. She reckoned infection still present, so another two weeks, 4 x a day antibiotics, but also thought that latent athlete's foot fungus was present and exacerbating the situation, so prescribed Terabinacyne (spelling unsure) to treat the athlete's foot, twice a day, for 4-6 weeks. So far so good, swelling gone and skin generally improved. Good luck as skin problems are so wearing and depressing when they don't respond to what is offered.