I've had this weird bump on my scalp ever since I was little and have no clue what it is. I remember seeing a doctor when I was younger and they took a sample, but I don't remember what they said it was. It's gotten bigger and it's completely numb and sometimes randomly when I scratch it it bleeds and then scabs. I don't have money to see a doctor but am worried it could be dangerous.
Weird bump on scalp: I've had this weird bump on my... - MY SKIN
Weird bump on scalp

Tea tree essential oil in coconut oil so if it's fungal it'll die off. Looks like a fungal growth.
I’m assuming you in the US, (in the UK you fortunately would be able to see a doctor for free) regarding an increasing bump. This is important; you should see a doctor and suggest a biopsy straight away.
Did you find out what it was?
Not a doctor but I had something very similar. Pretty sure it’s some sorta fungal ring worm, not sure if it’s Nevus Sebaceous. No idea how but the infection seeped down into a hair follicle on the back of my head where is nestled in. Felt like a mosquito bite for like a week, next thing you know all the hair within a square inch of the site started to die out and feel really plastic.
That whole area got really numb an swollen. I had to make an Incision on top of the area just to relieve pressure. I used almost every topical antibiotic possible. The only thing that really work for me was Tea Tree oil and A&D ointment. The way I got rid of it was with some strong shampoo and hot water, not to hot but hot enough. I would also poke holes in my scalp with a safety pin from time to time to rupture the tiny cyst that were trying to form around the area.
Just when you think it’s dead it will try to come back too. It took me a year to get rid of it. My hair just started to grow back in that spot. I got lucky. Considering how much damage it was doing to my scalp, it really healed back considerably. I didn’t want to get surgery on it because I didn’t have that kinda money in the first place and that’s how my aunt ended up with a bald spot from scar tissue and stitches that were probably not done right. But to each it’s own.
Get some tea tree and massage it in. I also put on a Durag from time to time and I would buy a microroller and go over the area with even pressure. Make sure you wear a durag or stocking cap when you do this so you don’t rip the hairs out around the area. Good luck.
Did you figure this out ever? Mine looks identical