Hi, has anybody an idea? Im worrying for months now...
Red stripes on the nails: Hi, has anybody an idea... - MY SKIN
Red stripes on the nails

Hi stormrider - I can't really tell what your fingernails look like, but all of my research shows that red stripes on the fingernails are something that you should have looked at by your GP.. It could well be something that needs to be addressed... Let us know what your doc says?

Thx a lot, i am new at this forum - and haven´t realised that i got an answer. I went to a lot of docs, but noone has been able to detect the cause (skin, internal, general doctors). My other symptoms are
- feeling sick all day
- feeling hot specially at face and arms
- feeling weak downwards my knees
So i am still searching and of course, will let you know.
Unfortunately, I don't know anything about this, and it looks like most others don't either.. Looking it up on Dr. Google, it is such a vague symptom that it would be hard to even make recommendations. If you have been to the doc and they can't see anything wrong, I would try to not worry about it too much. I would think your other symptoms would be more worrying...

Thx, unfortunately the red stripes are the only symptom i can proove..still in diagnostic progress, will update.
It's unfortunate that so many things look the same, huh. Take any immune system issue and it can be easily mistaken for any other with a few (or sometimes no) differences. I would love to know what you find out.. Love the name Stormrider.. I keep hearing "Riders on the Storm" playing - one of my favorite songs..,

Thx again - i will update for sure. A friend of mine works as a nurse and maybe this will increase my chance to see a rheumatic doctor (not that easy in germany), maybe this is a chance. ANA was to high 1:320 and in retest stil> 1:80. Other aspects native T-Lymphozyts and IGE. It´s simply a strange/ flue feeling.
So far i got checks for
- heart (usg)
- lunge
- stomach/ colon (usg)
- head (mri)
Next steps are:
- getting the reports of dermatolgist, "Throat, Nose, Ear-Doc"
- sending emails to doctors and specialists with pictures and and blood values (playing lottery..maybe i will find a nice doc has seen my symptom or has an idea, what to do next.
- blood pressure (24H)
- beck bone (mri)
- going to hospital (i will try the non-ambulant way)
Wow - That is a LOT of checking... best of luck there, and let us know what happens as you go..

Ps: Yes..The Doors - awesome song (check eddie vedders version, if you don´t know it yet), even though it was just my second thought. First thougt was about the surfing guide.
Interesting - I can find Eddie Vedder and I can find Riders on the Storm, but not the two together. If you have a link I would love to hear it.. Thanks!