I'm 16. This mole has been here a year, no trouble or itching. Does this look normal?
Mole.: I'm 16. This mole has been here a year, no... - MY SKIN

Go to doctor just to check it out.I had similar problem and had it cut out and there were no other problems.
Hi Jamanha - I would definitely have it checked out by a doctor asap, as it certainly looks abnormal.. Even if it is not a malignant mole the doctor may well decide to remove it. In this case it will at least put your mind at rest. I have had 6 different cancers removed, not because they were giving me a problem, but for something such as this it is far better to get a medical opinion.
Do not worry if you have to have it removed, as there is only discomfort, no pain.
I hope all goes well for you.
The mole has irregular shape and edges - it has darker areas three in number.
Having had a melanoma I am aware that these are some of the signs of needing a check. Hope you have been for a check. You might have to go several times for a referral for a mole scan. It takes weeks!

I've had it since February. No change, no irritation nothing. I was wet in that picture maybe this one can help too?
Mine did not itch and was not painful to touch - it started out a bit like yours but grew bigger over 4 years - it went unnoticed. You can ask the Gp if he will remove it - say you don't want to know the test results as they send it away for analysis. Most GPss don't do minor surgery and refer you to a hospital for a mole scan. If you have it out at the surgery - several weeks later when the test results come back, they can tell you the results - positive means it is not ok, negative means it's fine. As it is not large it's better to have it out now - it only takes a few minutes . I had some moles removed at surgery and I found out long afterwards the results were positive - as they wipe the notes every 3 years in some areas there is nothing to refer to - records are often inaccurate - and can lead to all sorts of misdiagnosis . Even if the Gp says it is a sebaceous wart insist on having it removed as some Gs really don't' know the difference! Take care!

Thank you x
Hi Jamanha - moles, and freckles are all signs of sun damage. Make sure you
wear tee shirts or clothes that cover chest and back and neck. Sun damage is the main cause of skin cancer even on days when there is not much sun.
You can buy wet suit tops and long shorts for women if swimming -it's the legs which people ignore when applying sun cream - especially the inside of the thighs and calves - even your feet can have moles under the toes - under the breasts under the arm pits - I have to wear opaque tee shirts when swimming - I tried a skin from a boating shop but the sun went straight through it - no good at all! There are some sun creams that attract the sun with nano particles in - anti allergy sun creams are good Pisbuen? Factor 50
24 hour cover .

I rarely go outside
Wishing you a happy new year - do you have yoga classes in your area - think this will help you - it helps to relax and to lift your spirit - it's thousands of years old . We are just learning it now. They have classes in many areas. May be you might have one at school as part of higher education. xxGrannyG
it helps the circulation and your spine - brill. Take careG
Dailyhealth e alert is a free info page - it recommended yoga for health especially breathing
it is from proagorahealth.com. It is so useful for foods to help different conditions as well as the other thyroid unlocked associated websites such as health foods. I get alerts daily.
You need to get it checked out by a doctor as soon as you can.