Hi, I have recently been told by my dentist that she thinks i have Oral Lichen Planus and she said she was referring me to the hospital (still waiting for appointment). I had some spots appearing on my feet and legs so when i showed the doc he said the same thing it's Lichen Planus, it seems to be my hands, fingernails, feet, lower legs and arms as well as my mouth. What i would like to know is, is there anything to help my mouth until i get my appointment because it's really sore, also one of the spots on my feet has grown in size and now has a big bubble over it like a blister but it's red, looks like, if you burst it there would be clear liquid streaked with blood, is this normal for Lichen Planus, it's the only one that has done this. Hoping someone can help.
Lichen Planus: Hi, I have recently been told by my... - MY SKIN
Lichen Planus

Try oral steroids or something. Even though i don't have lichen planus I have eczema and get those bubbles too.
You can ask a pharmacist hope this helped
Zanamag, I too have recently been diagnosed with oral Lichen Planus after many episodes of soreness which a had put down to mouth ulcers which I couldn't see or thought I had burnt my mouth on hot drinks etc. My dentist didn't mention a hospital referral, I will ask about that when I next see her, she suggested a toothpaste called Biotene and a gel to deal with dry mouth. I now use a child's toothbrush on the painful parts of my mouth and an adult soft brush on the rest. I discovered that many toothpastes contain an ingredient called sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) which is the foaming ingredient, it is to be avoided due to the stinging it causes. Biotene is free from SLS. After looking online I found useful suggestions including rinsing/brushing gently after eating, avoiding acidic, spicy or sharp food e.g crusty or toasted bread. From what I have been told or read it is an autoimmune condition without a cure, it can only be managed. I am looking into how I can boost my immune system in the hope the condition with remain mild/moderate. I have noticed a few red, round, slightly raised spots one of my legs. They measure less than 1/2 cm. I don't know if they are Lichen Planus too.
I am sorry to hear you are struggling. I hope this helps you, I am still learning about it myself so hope there will be other members who can help by sharing their experiences. Kindest regards 😊
Hi Emily50, It is indeed an autoimmune condition and that makes 3 different ones I have now. My doctor said he wouldn't have referred me to the hospital and is not sure why the dentist would bother as like you said there is no cure it just has to be managed. I was desperate to find something for my mouth so I thought about toothpaste of the non mint variety, I knew the mint was burning and so I also knew my teeth were not getting cleaned properly, due to the speed I brushed so I could rinse as soon as I possible to tame the burning and so I finally found a toothpaste that was not mint and I could afford as some were very expensive this is all natural and citrus flavour from The green people. So like the one you mentioned it has no foaming agent, it only arrived in the post yesterday so early days but i have used it twice and my mouth was fine. I will keep Biotene in mind just in case but for the moment my mouth is happier. The spots on your legs are most probably Lichen Planus unfortunately. I started with three small spots on the top part of my foot but both my legs are affected and the spots grow and some become patches, I thought I had psoriasis to begin with and as my mother is badly affected by it didn't consider anything else until I felt my mouth sore hence dentist appointment then doc appointment. So now my feet to my thighs, my mouth and my nails all are affected. Apparently only around 10% of people have it on their nails. Keep in touch it's nice to not be alone with this.
Thank you Zanamag for sharing your experience, until 3 weeks ago I had never heard of LP. Last year I was treated with Roaccutane for acne although now in my 60s, I struggled with it since age 12. I have enjoyed 15 months clear facials skin so I am hoping LP will not take hold on my skin. I am sorry to hear you have 3 autoimmune conditions to deal with. Re your hospital referral, I have read online that biopsies are done to rule out any other disease, so I would keep the appointment. I will discuss with my dentist/GP. I am in the UK, the posting I read online were from the USA. I would like to keep in touch with you as I don't know anyone with this condition. 😊
Hi, I have been waiting 3 months for the hospital appointment and have been told it could be 6 months before I hear anything. I am also in the U.K hence the wait probably as you will know the NHS is struggling so I will wait patiently.