I have bad eczema on my face. Can anyone help me. ... - MY SKIN


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I have bad eczema on my face. Can anyone help me. What can I use.

wilfredo2013 profile image
9 Replies

I have bad eczema on my face. Can someone help me. What can I used besides sterioids

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wilfredo2013 profile image
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9 Replies
Jacktheladfrost profile image

Which products did you use? This stuff ain't cheap to find that it doesn't really help and with a name like ostrich angels is your post a self promotion for your products?

Shell567 profile image

Hi wilfredo,

You can find a list of eczema treatments @ nhs.uk/Conditions/Eczema-(a...

Alternative topical treatments are tacrolimus and pimecrolimus creams, but as your eczema is severe you may need oral medication.

I've found that Cetaphil products help my eczema, but I know that everyone's different. You can buy them at Boots or via the Cetaphil website.

Hope you find something that helps,


jamy profile image

Hi Wilfred's

Please feel free to call me on 07580301675 and I will be delighted to help you with your face eczema.

Take care for now


PJS58 profile image

May I suggest that you read "Dr Max Gerson's" story, just google "Max Gerson", "Charlotte Gerson" and "Gerson Therapy". It is truly inspiring. Although it starts about his migraine, it also talks about eczema, cancer and various others health issues. It would appear that skin issues can be as a result of toxicity and/or deficiency. Record what you eat and drink in a week or more and look to see what you could improve. Look at reducing and then cutting out as much sugar, (not fruit) white flour products, processed foods and deep fried products. Drink plenty of water. Introduce something healthy into your diet ie fruit, veg, nuts, seeds and legumes and then cut out some of the not so good.

It doesn't matter that it is a long slow process, or that you will stray, because you will learn and you will see positive results. It could take days, weeks or even months, but there will be changes. You may experience headaches and not feeling great in the early days, as it will be toxins leaving your body, but stick with, you will reap the rewards. No-one else but you can make you healthy, because no-one else puts food in your mouth.

Good luck!

buddyann profile image

This is a treatment that really works. Get a stocking (or leg of a pair of tights. Fill it with porridge oats (not the syrup type or anything added) just pure oats and tie it round the bath taps and run it through the hot water as the bath fills. It will make a creamy bath, which is really soothing if you have body eczema, for the face and scalp, just squeeze the creamy lotion from the stocking and put it all over your skin and leave for 10 minutes. I promise you if you do this regularly it will make a massive differerence. My daughters had eczema on their faces and this completely cleared it up. I even use this method for psoriases.

ccllii18 profile image

I use a line called Yu-Be skin care, it's Japanese. I've been using for about a year and it's been really effective. The moisturizing skin cream is the most essential one - feels really relieving right away and the results last, I have seen such a difference in the redness and flaking I used to get.

mangobanjo profile image
mangobanjo in reply to ccllii18

I have also been using Yu-be. It isn't cheap at around £20 a jar, but it has never caused a skin reaction and when I'm having flare ups it does seem to calm it albeit not a cure when flare up is in full swing.

Jasonr profile image

Hi wilfredo,

I too have had eczema I didn't have a severe case like some people. However it did affect my confidence until a family member told me about this particular product called propolis cream which has given me fantastic results. I applied it 3 times a day and saw results within a matter of days.

anneqh profile image

I had terrible eczema on both hands - nothing was working. I cut out all gluten and minimized my sugar. I haven't had any bad flare ups since then. I'm also on a low-inflamatory diet for another health condition, but it seems to be helping.

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