,I'm suffering from a word that constantly my brain is repeating on loop by itself, I fear that other words like this would also got stuck in my head,I don't know what to do, I had been having this since 3 days and this brain would go on saying repeat this word ,I don't know I feel like I'm going crazy . I have searched about this everywhere, I can't find anything relatable, please suggest something, and sorry for my English
OCD tips: ,I'm suffering from a word that... - My OCD Community
OCD tips

It's common to hear a catchy song several times, and then the song keeps playing in one's head, whether we want it or not, for a day or two. We don't seem able to take it out of our head. The song usually goes away on its own with the passing of time. Is your experience with the repetition of a word similar?
Have you heard of the pink elephant paradox: the more you directly try to suppress a thought in your head, the more it becomes sticky. It's why it's often better to notice thoughts or words come in and out of our mind freely, and try to focus on something else if we don't want them to get stuck in our head. We cannot take a word out of our mind willfully.
Thanks for replying ,yeah I have experienced songs playing on my head but it goes away on its own, the thing which I'm experiencing is like any random word or phrase which doesn't make much sense ,which I read or hear around myself, or anything which suddenly popped in my head, my brain would be like ,'come on repeat this ,repeat this ' which makes it really tough to focus on anything else .it's hell during night when I sleep.
Do you feel the need to repeat words to ward off bad luck? Do you feel that something bad will happen if you don't repeat them? It could be an anxiety problem. What would happen if you don't do the compulsion?
Nope ,I don't feel that something bad will happen ,there is no thoughts in my head that if I don't repeat this thing something bad will happen ,it happens itself ,I try so much to control that I won't repeat this thing even if the brain is shouting at me to repeat everything. It's like I have no control over my brain in this case .I have started fearing listenining to songs or videos that my brain would start saying or repeat any lyric till the time I loose my mind .
I don't know what's wrong with me
I get this with words !!!
I get this too - car number plates, radio jingles, words I’ve read somewhere - I repeat them so much they lose all their sense and I can’t remember where I even first picked them up from. It’s very annoying. All I can suggest is what deValentin said above - try anything to stop focussing on it. Sing a song, read a book, watch tv, do a guided meditation - a gentle distraction to try and unstick it. Best wishes