Hi! My coworker suggested that I talk to my Nurse Practitioner about looking at my brain through a CT SCAN. Has anyone ever had this done or feel like it wouldn't hurt to ask? to have one done?
Talk to Nurse Practitioner about a CT SCAN - My OCD Community
Talk to Nurse Practitioner about a CT SCAN

I have had CT scans, but it was for cancer treatment. I don't know what you would get out of it for just general use.
My coworker said to see about the OCD part of my brain and to see if there is anything else going on because here lately my brain has not been feeling the same.
A CT scan is going to detect differences is shape and is good for looking for tumors or things like that. A PET/CT scan looks at which areas of the brain are metabolizing sugar faster than other areas and can give more information on how different regions of the brain are functioning. An fMRI scan would give information on which areas of the brain are more active and is what is used in a lot of psychological research. If there's anything that would be tied to OCD, I would think that an fMRI would be more useful than the other two. However, I don't know that you could say much about your OCD behaviour just based on a brain scan.