About 6 weeks ago I started taking vitamin B supplements and also CBD 5mg capsules. After about a week I'd noticed my clicks joints had quietened down a bit, my hands weren't as painful and I'd started to walk upstairs more normally.
All in all my discomfort had become more manageable, I was moving about a little easier, and I was so happy.
I'm currently waiting for eye surgery, so as I've got a pre-op appointment, coming in a few weeks I've stopped the CBD. The reason being that it may corrupt the blood tests or metabilisation of any post-op medication I could be given.
The major downsides are that all of my stiffness, aches, pains, clicks and fatigue have come back with a vengeance 🥺
Just hope it gets more bearable cos I think it'll be a while before I can think about CBD again.