does anyone else suffer from BP problems, I was 198/110 sitting, then standing 160/100, it’s quite worrying, I’m on 7 BP medication tablets a day, this morning my BPwas 110/73 sitting and standing was 90/64 so it’s a considerable change.
blood pressure : does anyone else... - Multiple System A...
blood pressure
I'm so sorry that you are having these BP issues, my wife Jackie suffered badly with them and so I understand what you're going through.
A good place to start to understand what's going on is to look at the MSA Trust web site. In particular there's a fact sheet about Postural Hypotension as it's called. You will be able to click on this link to find it.
I so hope this helps. I know many with MSA are affected by BP issues and so if you have any specific questions, I'm sure they may be answered here.
All best, Take care, Ian
Hi WeemaisiePlease let me know what medicines you are on. Best wishes
BP tablets 4 Fludrocortisone 0.1 mg and 3 Midodrine 5mg 1 three times a day PineEater
Hi WeemaisieSorry for being late in replying. Both these drugs are given for controlling Orthostatic Hypotension (OH). Please contact your GP who prescribed the medicines for adjustment as is indicated by your lower BP observed on standing - 90/64. The standing BP needs to be raised. Best wishes
Hi Pine Eater
I have been in contact with my MSA nurse about it, it’s trying to get a balance, yesterday my blood pressure was fine, I find my GP not very helpful because like most professionals they’ve never heard of MSA. I was in hospital because of blackouts for 2 weeks which was a nightmare, nurses doctors and health care assistants treated me terribly. Sorry to moan, you take care