can anyone help, I got my medication upped for low blood pressure when I stand it has helped my low blood pressure but the trouble is when sitting my blood pressure is sky high between 168/108 and 180/115 does anyone else have this problem
blood pressure : can anyone help, I got... - Multiple System A...
blood pressure

Jackie had issues of high and low blood pressure - in fact up and down all over the place. In the end it appears to be a balancing act between the two. She was fainting one moment because of low blood pressure but sky high later. We ended up treating the high BP and that bizarrely stopped the fainting episodes.
I’m sure you know but drinking sufficient fluid is so important when managing BP.
Take care, Ian
Hello, Yanno. Could you please explain how you managed the high BP for Jackie? My husband has orthostatic hypotension and it is constant with dizziness when he stands up. He has not yet fallen. But of course, his blood pressure increases when he lying down (not too bad yet but noticeable). We are going to elevate the bed, but I wasn't sure what else you might have done for Jackie. Thank you, Pam
Jackie’s blood pressure was very high at times and then low when she sat up. After lots of discussion with our doctor we decided to treat the high blood pressure with Amoldipine. It was a constant battle to try and give the right dose, more by experiment than anything else. We managed to get it right most of the time avoiding the fainting on an almost daily basis that was happening before. We concluded that it was the drop from high to low that was causing her to faint.
It’s worth noting that we were taking and recording blood pressure three or four times a day. As with so much with MSA, lots of effort but it did give positive results.
Take care, Ian
My husband had that problem and was ultimately taken off Midodrine. We use water and position change. Unless he is very anxious, a semi-reclined position gives us the best BP.
hi there sorry to hear your trouble with blood pressure. I look after my husband who has this problem too. He takes fludrocortisone and midodrine. They bring his levels up from low readings such as 81/60 to last night they were 163/82. Then another time they will be a more reasonable level. It’s a fine line in jogling the meds around. But unfortunately I have learnt it’s one of the problems with MSA. Trying to lift his pressure up to stop the falls !
Good luck and take care.
hi Doreen thanks for your help and feeling better knowing it’s not just me it’s our condition, I too am on the same meds, I got scared last night when my BP went up to 180/115 when sitting and 126/84 when standing, but this morning I changed all my positions and drank loads of water which was advised to me by someone else on here and my BP is perfect at 138/91 sitting and 100/65 when standing, it’s a strange old thing this MSA.
Take care