My father has advanced MSA. He is bed-bound and cannot sit up on his own. Although he still gets rehab, the muscle loss from so much time in bed has made it impossible for him to do much other than use his tablet and phone. He can still swallow, but because of his trach, speaking can be extra tricky. He also has a feeding tube. The doctors (he is not in the UK) have told us he needs 24h professional medical care. But my Dad wants to go home. Obviously, we want him to as well, and have tried to set the care up at home, but we were unable to get the number of people needed (and tbh a lot of people don't even want to do a job with a terminally ill patient when they don't know how long the contract will last. ugh). So there is a center nearby that has experience with MSA. It is very nice and has a garden. My Dad is terrified of it. He has been very upset by the idea of not going home, and claims he will get better and live another 10 years. If it was possible for him to just go home, it would already have been done. It doesn't help that the nurses around him sweetly tell him that he should be home (meaning in hospice) while he is set on fighting and living as long as possible. He refuses to consider hospice, and frankly, I think with proper care and barring a bad infection, he seems like he has a good chunk of time left with us.
I want to help him be ok with the center, but I don't know how. Also - other than at night when he is sleeping, there is someone with him all day long, either a family member or an aide, that makes sure that he is comfortable and gets what he needs, so it's not like he will be neglected in the center - he has an advocate by his side. He doesn't seem to realize that at the center, there is a lot of staff who can come in briefly and get him in the shower, for instance, while at home, it takes 4 people and 3 hours to accomplish.
Does anyone have any advice for how to make him comfortable with the idea of the care center?