I recently attended the Cardiff patients forum and found it extremely helpful and informative. I have only recently been diagnosed with ET so it was great to be able to listen to the professionals and meet other patients and hear their stories.
Cardiff: I recently attended the Cardiff patients... - MPN Voice
London next in November. Chris
November the ?
21st. Plan to pop along if anyone wants to say hello or chat about transplant. Chris
London forum on Wed 21 Nov, 6- 9 pm in St Thomas' Hospital. Everyone welcome to come along. mpdvoice.org.uk/get-involve...
Glad you found it useful, I am going to my first forum in London in November.
Hi irishmod, i think we spoke at Cardiff. you were with your husband and we chatted in the doorway. i really enjoy attending the forums, it is good to meet people and chat and also listening to the Drs
Yes I was there along with my husband and we did get a chance to speak. It was really great to meet the other patients and also find out how they are keeping and the treatment everyone else is on. I just had a scan so waiting to meet specialist in Nov to get the results. Also found out others are only on aspirin like me so I was happier hearing this. Glad you got in touch again.