Has anyone been able to claim DLA With ET ?. - MPN Voice
Has anyone been able to claim DLA With ET ?.
I have just sent my form away so would be very interested in replys to this question too.
I have just been successful in applying for DLA josiede but I should warn you it was a long, drawn out and stressful experience.
Did you have any help in claiming from outside agency, ie citizens advice ?.
A representative from the CAB accompanied me at my appeal tribunal (I was refused twice before that stage). I did pretty much everything myself with the fantastic advice from the benefitsandwork.co.uk/ website.
It was almost impossible to find anyone familiar with ET, who fully appreciated and understood the overwhelming affect it had on my life or were prepared to support me in my application and that includes medical professionals.
DLA is much missunderstood by many. It is a non means tested allowance not a benefit so whether your partner works is irrelevant. You can work and still receive DLA.
Applying for the allowance tested my relationship with my haematologist quite severely.
I had help with citizens advice to fill out all froms , but was not awarded DLA
I tried and failed. One says my husband earns to much the other says he works to many hours. But it's me that's applying not him. It should not count on what he earns or works. Sorry rant over
Hi Josiede, Etphonehome is bang on with what he says and this topic has been touched on previously if you are able to track back on this useful but somewhat difficult to keep track of site. In that response both Etphonehome - i think it was - and myself suggested a subscription site called 'Benefits and Work' which takes you through the process step by step with useful tips and advice to maximise your chances of a successful claim. It costs just under 20 quid so you need to decide if you really want to sign up. There are a few freebies to check out before you commit. Please dont under-estimate the stress levels associated with the process and if youre fragile now i suggest you leave it till youre fighting fit. The site also covers ESA and will no doubt develop to cover PIP which is to replace DLA. Cheers
Many thanks for all your replys, I have been able to get lower rate care through appealing but as I suffer from confusion it was incredibly hard. I don't feel I've been awarded the right amount and feel that my ET was almost dismissed ( I'm diabetic and have asthma and bletharitus as well) my mobility is affected ( leg cramps etc). During the appeal I was becoming more and more confused so could not think straight or give straight answer , so feel this impeded the outcome.
My tribunal was the same josiede. When I was asked the main symptoms I have with ET I could only recall two or three yet there are literally dozens more but I just couldn't think when put on the spot.
Had they looked at my application they would have seen them all but a significant part of the tribunal seems to be what is said on the day.
This kind of assessment is totally innappropriate for people with rare and complex conditions such as ours.
Hi there I have been succesful after 3yrs of fighting.I have just found this site I have some great sheets of advice which helped me .I can shrae these, I also had a blood clot on the brain so am not able to go into long explanations.I sent all the surveys and research sheets relevant to my condition and believe this also helped.
Like tinaj I would love any tips or examples that you have sphynx. I have ET, diabetes and nerve damage in the feet after arterial clots in my legs and an embolectamy to sort them out. I was turned down for DLA. I feel the more of us who can claim successfully the easier it will get for others as the condition may start to be recognised as valid for this allowance.
Hydroxy carbaamide is a chemotherapy drug. So you would suffer side affects ,it will affect your daily living and ability to do normal everyday things. The government has now sid it will exempt anyone taking chemotherapy ,from being ask to return to work if they are on ESA. So it should be recognised for DLA purposes . I also have ET but also have 3 other illness Insulin dependant diabetes ,3 eye conditions ,partial sight ,cardiovascular problems nd long standing vitamin problems anemia and vitamin d . I had a long fight as well,but got the high rates for both. Do not give in fight for your rights, this particular government are nasty . .
Thanks for this info, I'm taking interferon is this classed as a Chemotherapy drug ?. I have recently claimed esa and have just received the medical assessment form and I am struggling to complete it . I also have diabetes and take metformin and insulin . I totally agree about the government they just attack the weakest in society .
Hi Joseide, Interferon is not classed as a chemotherapy drug, it is biological.