This is a short discussion of MF.
Some selected items:
It's about inflammation, as we know. One of the key players in this is interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β), which seems a particular finding of his group. "His research suggests that IL-1B’s influence is especially felt in the beginning of the progression towards MF." No direct mention of acting on this specific finding but an anti IL-1β therapy might be a direction from his early work
Marrow damage level:
"there has to be critical threshold damage of the microenvironment to really lead into disease manifestation" This level or time to reach it varies among pts.
The importance of fibrosis in MF rather than just the clone:
"If the ecosystem of the bone marrow is too damaged, no treatment aimed solely at the malignant cells will be enough."
Meaning just reducing Jak2 allele for example won't by itself remedy the MF condition. We've had posts on how important fibrosis level is, or isn't, usually in context of ET or PV. Here Dr Simón Méndez-Ferrer is focused on the importance of fibrosis for MF. This might fit to the damage level item above, fibrosis doesn't make trouble in ET or PV but if various conditions reach a certain level fibrosis becomes important.