My husband who has pre-fibrotic MF takes hydroxyurea 500 mg Mon to Fri. He’s had pretty intense insomnia, so wondering if it could be from the hydroxyurea although I don’t see it listed as a side effect. Anyone else have a similar experience?
Anyone taking Hydroxyurea have insomnia? - MPN Voice
Anyone taking Hydroxyurea have insomnia?

While common with MPNs, insomnia is not a commonly reported adverse effect from hydroxyurea. There have been a few people who reported insomnia from HU but it is unusual. Intense dreams/nightmares have been reported.
Your husband should report the issue to his care team regardless of the cause of the insomnia. Long-term insomnia can have serious health consequences, including increased cardiovascular risk. metabolic issues, immune system compromise, cognitive decline and more.
Wishing you both all the best.
Yes definitely! I was taking Hydroxy for 5 years and didn't notice at first. I had never had problems with sleeping previously and was someone who would remember my dreams. My insomnia increased the longer I was on Hydroxy. I would fall asleep and then wake up only a few minutes later and then be awake for hours and the whole time I was on the medication I never had a dream (or at least one I could remember). I think maybe I wasn't ever asleep long enough to get to a dream state.
When I moved on to Rux, the change was immediate - I mean from day 1! The change was so significant and so quick it couldn't be anything but the medication in my case. I have now been on Rux for a year and I sleep pretty well and I am able to dream again. It was such a relief and the reason I feel better on Rux despite it making me more aneamic.
i’m on hydroxy and sleep really badly ,tho there is a lot of stress in my life at the moment. I sleep lightly and because hydroxy irritates my bladder it’s enough to wake me up from my light sleep.
I have been on Hydroxycarbamide for 15 years and experienced no trouble sleeping - indeed I frequently drop off when reading and watching TV (mini-naps of a few seconds or minutes) I get 7-8 hours overnight too....😄
I definitely have insomnia but I think in my case it is more down to the MNP then the HU. I had it to some extent even before I was diagnosed and started HU but it is certainly worse now.. In fact I spoke to my Doctor about it this morning and he simply advised insomnia is a common problem with many people as they get older and advised that trying to get into a regular routine before bed would perhaps help. He was reluctant to prescribe anything as many of the drugs being offered are addictive. As I don't wish to take even more drugs then I presently am I am going to try to ride it out but I appreciate what your husband is going through. I see that someone has also suggested that their own sleeping problems improved when they went on to Rux, perhaps others will be able to confirm from their own experiences. I might also add that occasionally I get a wave of fatigue where I need to just put my feet up and get a nap during the day or early evenings. Sometimes you have to catch up with sleep when you can. Hope you find an answer, good luck.👍
I also had insomnia with HU. Every night, I would be awake for hours.
When I switched to Rux, it went away almost immediately. I started dreaming again.
All the best.