In the past week my feet are literally falling apart . One previously swollen toe is shedding skin and the nail has turned purple. The skin on the rest of the foot is just peeling off. The only significant thing is I have very low iron at the moment , breathless on exertion and a recent bone marrow biopsy found no stainable iron seen on the slide. Is this connected, a thing or just winter feet. I’m putting lashings of moisturiser but it soon dries out again.
jak2 pos, PV - Foot problem: In the past week my... - MPN Voice
jak2 pos, PV - Foot problem

Morning Jambu! A woman friend in London experienced almost an identical condition with a toe . ( she is not afflicted by any MPN ) . Her GP referred her to St Thomas’ Hospital, London where she was diagnosed and is being successfully treated as an outpatient.
Try Indian natural cream Boro Plus. It works wonders. I have been using it for many years. It comes in either purple or green packaging. Either one will do. It is herbal.
This may be caused by micro vascular changes in your feet. Do you have PV? I have PV and experienced painful, red and swollen toes and feet for awhile and somehow it has disappeared. If you are undergoing phlebotomies then you are experiencing iron deficiency that has an effect on your overall lung function and general well being. I went on Besremi in July 2023 and have noticed much less fatigue, since my phlebotomies have become less frequent. Hopefully you can get good answers from hematologist and if not seeing a MPN specialist, try to find one. Good luck!!
Thank you, yes I do have the PV. I have a follow up appointment at Guys in two weeks for a post Bone marrow biopsy review and possible switching to Rux. All symptoms have got worse in the last few weeks. I’ve had to stop driving due to blurred vision and dizziness is quite a problem. Hopefully everything can be addressed then.