I was diagnosed in April & have had venesection almost every week until 3 weeks ago, having blood tests again this week & seeing the consultant on Thursday...this past week I have become very tired & experiencing disturbed vision almost daily...has anyone else experienced the disturbed vision, or should I see my normal GP
PV Jak2: I was diagnosed in April & have had... - MPN Voice
PV Jak2
Why risk it. Moorfields the eye hospital in London has a walk in service no GP referral needed Maybe other eye hosps do too.Lots of love.
if the vision problem is a "scintilla" - a half circle of flickering diamonds - then I think it's fairly standard for high HCT. Anything else certainly worth a check. In any event ask the consultant next week?
Sounds like Retinal migraine (ocular migraine) is an eye condition that causes brief attacks of blindness or visual problems like flashing lights in one eye.
These episodes can be frightening, but in most cases they're harmless and shortlived, and eyesight goes back to normal afterwards.
Some people get retinal migraine every few months, although the frequency can vary.
Retinal migraine is a separate condition and shouldn't be confused with headache-type migraine or migraine with aura, which usually affects the vision of both eyes.
Yes, I had two episodes around three weeks ago on successive days!
I rarely experience these episodes once or twice a year at most, and my husband and a friend also experience them - so I never related it to my MPN. Thinking differently now though.
I've been diagnosed with ET for around eighteen months - but have suffered these episodes maybe as far back as twelve years. A bit concerning!
For me, it's pretty much like Jane has explained with 'shimmering' thrown in. It doesn't last too long, maybe a few minutes and clears quicker if I lie down with no pillow.
Mary x
I agree with what others are saying its quite common with these conditions, but I do think its made worse when we are tired/fatigued. I also think drinking caffeine can bring them on when tired.
This is my experience anyway.
I've had these for years as well, but they stopped completely after my platelets were reduced to around 400 with interferon. It must be connected, I think.
Hi Sue,
I was diagnosed PV Jak2+ in January, and one of the symptoms which led me on the path to my diagnosis was intermittent blurred vision, (like if you rub your eye and you momentarily your vision is off), sparkly lights and terrible fatigue.
I've had quite a few Venesections and now that my hct level is coming down I have less of the visual disturbances, not gone entirely but less.
I have also suffered with monthly sometimes weekly migraines with lights etc for about 35years the type that put you in bed for days, and strangely as my hct has come down I haven't had one migraine!
Still have the fatigue but my haematologist says visual stuff and fatigue all to do with PV.
You should still get it checked out but I do believe it's part of the PV course.
I am sure it's connected Jacqui...after I had had 9 Venesections I felt so much better & no "eye" problems, it's 4 weeks since last Venesection & the fatigue & eye thing have returned this past week, so I'm guessing I need more blood taking 😂
Hi Sue I went through the same things 12 years ago, it does get better once your body adjusts itself, keep smiling x
Hi Sue, I've suffered badly with visual disturbances which led me to go to the gp in the first place before I was diagnosed... my HCT has come down to normal levels now about 6 weeks ago following many venesections too & my vision has definitely improved but not gone completely. I mentioned this to my haem last Friday but he said it could be something else causing it as my levels were now normal but I'm still sure it's the PV as the gp checked me out for just about everything at the time I also went & had an eye test too which didn't show up anything... I think I just have to get used to it but as I say it's definitely lots better than it was! x