I have been looking at my Metabolic Panel blood test results over the last couple years and two results stood out in a way that I would prefer them to sit down. I was wondering whether either of these results might have something to do with PV or MPN's.
The first is Alkaline Phosphatase. That rose from 138 U/L (4 years ago when I had my stroke) to 175 a couple months ago. Even the 138 is at the high limits but my GP was concerned that it might be non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. I have not seen my GP since the new 175 results. I have read however that it can also be a sign of bone disorders. Or PV/MPN?
The second is BUN or blood urea nitrogen. Which rose from 14 mg/dl (well within a good range) to 27 over the course of this last year or so. The standard explanation is that I may be eating too much protein and it is creating kidney problems - but with PV/MPN's I no longer settle for standard explanations. Could this be a precursor to gout or a uric acid problem?
All my other results from the metabolic panels are in a comfortable range. And while I am overweight, I am not diabetic or pre-diabetic though I probably have become too carb-dependent and probably a bit insulin resistant.
As I will soon be seeing both my GP and my hematologist, I would be very interested in understanding the experiences of others here re how/whether MPN's and esp PV can affect these blood tests.