Hi can I ask if anyone has hot feet all the time ? I also have tingling in my fingers constant . Yesterday I started to feel ice cold on one side of my face and forearm. I was warm though just the strangest feeling.
Hot and tingling : Hi can I ask if anyone has hot... - MPN Voice
Hot and tingling

Going back to when Iwas 1st diagnosed I used to get hot almost burning feet and pain in my little toes which stopped when I started aspirin. I believe the hot feet is called erythromelagia excuse the spelling.
However I do think you should get the coldnes of you face and forearm checked out and if there is any weakness even if it s transitory get it checked out urgently. Maybe another of our MPN oddities but best to be safe.
You don’t say what your diagnosis is?
Some of what you are describing sounds like it could be microvascular, but there could be some nerve issues as well. It needs a proper assessment to determine what is going on. SUggest you not just ignore this and seek answers.
Those extremes do warrant immediate check up .Do hope concerns unfounded
I have hot tingling feet and hands (more feet than hands) for some months now. Sometimes my feet feel swollen but they aren't. I've also experienced loss of sensation on right hand side of face, not cold exactly but certainly numb. This has happened twice and only for a few mimutes each time. I was diagnosed in May this year with E.T. but these symptoms predated that and I've now found that I have peripheral neuropathy.
I'm taking a mini aspirin and 500g hydroxycarbamide daily. The symptoms of the tingling/hot feet have worsened since I've been on the medication although the Haematologist says it's not to blame. The Neurologist says the P.N. is age related (I'm 74) so not a great deal I can do but I constantly feel there must be some answer to this and some connection between the P.N. and the E.T.
I'm sorry that this isn't a very helpful reply but I wanted you to know that you're not alone with this horrible burning and tinging. Incidentally, the hot feet can seem worse at night and I was recommended to liberally apply moisturising cream to my feet and then wear thin cotton bed socks. This actually does seem to help. The Chemo nurse recommended Udderly Smooth Cream which you can find on Amazon. £9.95 for a large pot that will last you some time. Do keep us posted.
Thank you so much. It has helped a lot. I did Google symptoms and it came up peripheral neuropathy. It just helps talking to people who have the same condition. Same side effects and the same concerns. My feet are probably the worst as never cold always tingling and hot. I am at my consultant next week and I will ask then. Thanks again .
Peripehal neurophaty.
Just try Pregabalin (Lyrica) 100mg, if it solve the simptom, then confirmed
Vitamin B12 and folate also may help.
Whis this can help.
Peripheral neuropathy and erythromalalgia are known side effects of hydroxycarbamide. I experience both but fortunately it is mild and intermittent with no obvious triggers so I just keep calm and carry on!
I have had peripheral neuropathy, predating my MDS/MPN diagnosis, where I feel as if I'm wearing socks when I'm not. Just recently, I have also been experiencing hot feet, especially at night. Last night I took my socks off in bed and my feet felt normal, not cold and not burning. I take a small dose of aspirin every day and erythropoietin injections once a week. I have been blaming the slipper socks but my feet are not hot during the day. I take pregabalin at night for pain and sleep. It's supposed to help with the neuropathy but it doesn't seem to.
I have other things going on at the moment, so less worried about that.
That's exactly what mine are feeling like. A really strange feeling. Thanks for your help.