Well here I am 15 days post transplant!!!
Headaches, stomach cramps, diarrhoea, sore throat.
These are all under control with various drugs and even a sleeping pill to help at nights!
Not that it’s too noisy at night, but it never quite gets dark but they even cover this as a volunteer came round at the beginning and gave me a sleep pack which consisted of earplugs and a face mask!
I have had 4 bags of platelets and other blood products (all irradiated) transfused so far.
One injection of growth factor yesterday.
Have seen my blood levels drop after the chemo and a slow rise post transplant. Bloods are taken every morning just before 6am and results come in @10.05 on the dot!
Three days ago hair started falling out, but having been bald for many years, it’s not an issue, other than my t shirt being covered by what looks like snow!
Electric shaver came out and removed the remnants….Wow, it’s been many a year without a moustache🥸
Just a waiting game now and see the drs on their rounds to see what the next stage will bring.
Further updates to come
Keep the faith and we will fight this separately and together.