Can someone tell me what a free Kappa light chain of 29 means?
Free kappa light chain: Can someone tell me what a... - MPN Voice
Free kappa light chain

A first question is why did your Dr order the test? Are there other test results or symptoms that prompted it?
My light chains are monitored following my bone marrow biopsy. From what I understand it is because there were higher protein levels in the bone marrow samples than normal and they keep an eye on any changes. They labelled it dormant myeloma. To be fair it hasn't changed in 10 years. Worth asking your specialist.
I don’t know it was almost like “Hey by the way… run this test too!” When she was talking to the nurse.
In isolation it's not too specific. From what I can find t can range from marrow conditions (as if we need more of the them) to autoimmune. It comes up in the Sjogren's forum, that's what got my attn. But you'd need to discuss more with your Hem and maybe a Rheum to understand it better.
I heard from her today. She said even though there were some abnormalities I did not have multiple myeloma. 👍
Barbiebreath just curious - did your dr. run other light chain tests? I get my Kappa Light Chains and others tested every 3 months. It does have to do with the bone marrow and for me the increased value has lead to MGUS (pre-multiple myeloma). I see a different specialist for this (Myeloma specialist) because I have what is called an M-Spike (protein) that shouldn't be there. It turns out many people have MGUS and don't even know they have it. It progresses toward Myeloma at a rate of 1%/year if at all. Basically the dr. says I have nothing to worry about at this point. She has also said it is unrelated to the PV in spite of bit also affecting the bone marrow. Here are what my numbers look like just for reference:
Free Light Chains, Serum
Free Kappa
17.18 mg/dL [Reference Range] [0.33 mg/dL - 1.94 mg/dL] High
Free Lambda
1.33 mg/dL [Reference Range] [0.57 mg/dL - 2.63 mg/dL]
Kappa:Lambda Ratio
12.92 [Reference Range] [0.26 - 1.65 ] High