Labs were almost identical, hct 38, wbcs 2.5, plt 177, neut 1.6. Liver and kidneys were good! Going to just drop to 200mcg as hct has been going down for awhile…..42, 41 now 38. She said this is part of the ride with this medicine and couldn’t be happier. She said she just got back from a conference in Madrid and she said that there is more and more research showing how effective Besremi is. She said it has been an amazing breakthrough drug. Thank you to everyone! This site has done so much for me!!! I appreciate all the amazing support!!!! I wish everyone a great weekend and will keep everyone in my prayers!!! Sending out support and love from the lone star state!
Thank you!!!❤️: Labs were almost identical, hct 3... - MPN Voice
Thank you!!!❤️

Love this update — for you and for the success of Besremi!
congratulations! Great news all around. Thank you for sharing your journey. It raises confidence in Besremi and the positive results it can achieve.
Enjoy yourself!!!
Great news!
I think these kind of results are what motivate and give a lot of us hope. Thanks for sharing and congrats. Enjoy it!
I go back for my follow up at MD in July, hope I can share a similar story. ✌🏽
Fingers crossed for you!!! Will be praying for good results for you. Who do you see if you don’t mind me asking. I used to see Dr V, now I see Dr Marasova(sp?). I like her, she has been very nice. I have only seen her twice but they were both positive visits.
I used to see Dr. V but now I see Dr. Pemmaraju and he’s been great. He is always positive and willing to listen. He seems optimistic about the future considering we are in our early 40s.
That is good. Was he who Dr V recommended for you? He told me he wanted me to see Dr Marasova because I was starting interferon. I am just curious. Either way MDA is such a good place. I always feel good when I leave there. Just wish I wasn’t so nervous to go there!!😆
We didn’t get much of a transition, MDA picked dr P for me but it’s all good. Started pegasys last year around this time so I’m hoping my next appt is good. We recently raised up to 90mcg per week so I’m looking to see the platelets dropping 🙏🏽
That’s great news!
Great news. Very happy for you! As a fellow 40-something year old, I'm encouraged to hear that your MPN experts are hopeful about what's on the horizon for MPNs. My expert in NYC has said the same to me since my diagnosis in late 2022. Here's hoping they're right!
Hugs from NYC. Have a great week.
So good to hear this kind of news- for you, and for all of us!
Stay safe and keep on keeping on!
I was trying to find out private email chain and I couldn’t find it! At least this let me send a picture! Hope all is well. I have labs next week. Hoping for no change! I feel good so hopefully it stays stable. My daughter starts kindergarten next week.😢 Sad and excited for her. I am also sad my husband is going to miss so much her first year being deployed to Poland. But guess we will be going back to Europe. Planning to go in mid December to see my husband. But we had an awesome trip this summer. The cruise was great! Really loved Austria. I am exhausted as work is ridiculous! And next week I changed my schedule so I can pick up my daughter from school. So will be some early mornings, but I am an early riser. I hope all is well with you! Just checking in and see how things are going in the northeast!😊. Good to get back in touch.
Everything is still crossed!!!