Since posting I have been to a medical dermatological photographer who took photographs with dermascope and also photos for an AI software analysis. The AI analysis came back with 95% likelihood of malignant lesion. Now seeing dermatologist on Sat 22 June, 12 days from now, but quickest available. In the meantime, feeling panicked at the time that goes by.
I made a private appointment with a plastics hand surgeon. I was able to show him the lesion from a copy I had from the dermascope. He shares my concern, and he fitted me in urgently this Thursday. I am having a nail and skin underneath wedge biopsy, under local. All clinicians that I have met feel this was a wise move. Have tried to distract myself, partially succesful, but have a real sense of dread on this one.
I also saw my MPN specialist, who said it was to quick for it to be ruxolinitib and feels it is unrelated. My platelets reds and HB all still low but staying on same dose. On RUX for 3.5 months so hoping for stabilising bloods and increasing numbers over the next two months. I still feel exhausted, but enjoy not having sweats and itching.
I have been on different immunosuppressants since 2019 and read these are linked to melanoma in some patients. I also for the first time had gel nails in the last 2 Years and exposed my hands to UV light. My nails were pretty poor and this helped to strenghten them. Probably not a good idea either as some research suggests a link. Possibly premature, but anyone on the forum being treated for 2 malignancies at the same time? Hoping surgery will be enough…..