Would stem cell transplant be an option for ET? I cannot take the Hydrea or Anagralide. Thanks for your feed back
stem cell for et?: Would stem cell transplant be... - MPN Voice
stem cell for et?

Stem cell transplant is only an option for MF due to the very high level of risk associated with the procedure. The other first-line option for treating ET is Pegasys. Beremi, Jakafi, and Bomedemstat are all in clinical trials for ET. Suggest you review all of your options with a MPN Specialist.
I went to the Mayo Clinic yesterday for a consult. The dr I saw was great!!! Her suggestion for next treatment would be interferon injections weekly or Eliquis (blood thinner). I see my hematologist tomorrow and we will discuss a treatment plan. Yesterday was the highest my platelets had ever been 825. She called me today and didn't want me to be alarmed because of my numbers.
She says I'm ok until I get to a million my hematologist doesn't want me to get to a million. Different opinions. Different suggestions, Will see what I am told tomorrow.
The opinion that matters the most is yours. How do you want to approach your treatment? What do you want the goals to be? If you do opt for cytoreduction then Pegasys is a very reasonable choice. It is recognized in the NCCN guidelines as on of the the preferred treatments for ET. Note that you will continue to take a even of you do opt for cytoreduction.
Stem cell transplantation isn’t normally an option for those of us with ET, as the risks of that procedure are much greater than the risks of having ET and the various other treatment options available.
Have you discussed interferon (Pegasys or Besremi) as an alternative treatment? I’ve been on Pegasys for nearly 9 years and it’s worked very well for me.