Hello, I am looking for some advise regarding a change from Hydroxy to IFN or Rux. My WCC continues to rise and fluctuates between around 28-42. I have recently had a telephone consulation with Guys Hospital and was advised that WCC over 35 is quite high risk and they recommend a change in medication. IFN was considered but I suffer with some anxiety and I am concerned about auto immune conditions. I read EPguy's latest post with interest, which is very timely given the decision I need to make. I suffered with an extremely dry mouth for a couple of years and more recently some swelling in my face. I also have some odd reactions to vaccines (particularly when I have them closer together) including palpitations and sudden mild weakness in my legs. Both Sjogrens and lupus have been suggested, but never diagnosed. My GP did have the following tests a couple of years ago: Ana Pattern (Speckled); Ana Titre (1:80); Anit Nuclear Antibody (Positive); Double Stranded (DS) DNA ABS (Negative). I have no idea what thesse results meant but my GP tried to refer me on to Rheumatology but they turned me down.
So during my consultation the thoughts turned to Rux and I was asked about family history in relation to heart attacks and my cholesterol. My cholesterol is ok but I have had close relatives with heart failure during their 60's (I'm in my 50's). It was agreed that, although not ideal, Rux may be the better option for me and I was pretty happy with this.
However, I then consulted Dr Google about Rux and started to have second thoughts. The main risk appears to be blood clots, heart attacks and strokes and although this may or may not be directly related to cholestoral levels, I am having a tough time considering taking a drug to prevent blood clots, strokes and heartattacks when the drug may actually cause them!
Also, and possibly more concerning, I found that you shouldn't take Rux if you are an ex-smoker. I was not asked that in my consultation. Unfortunately although I haven't smoked for 20 years, there is no avoiding the fact I smoked for the 20 years previous to that. The final concern for me was an increased risk of cancer - in particular lymphoma. This is also a big worry for me because a very close relative to me died of lymphoma.
I understand that there are always going to be some risks with these drugs but this feels like such a big decision. Hydroxy is not working for me in controlling my white cells and now I have had it confirmed that this puts me at increased risk, I need to take some action. I wish I had known more about the ex-smoking risk and lymphoma risk prior to my consultation. I am not under Guys - it was a one off consultation and I now feel more confused than ever.
If anyone can share any thoughts or knowledge it would be gratefully received.
Thank you.