Dear friends, I came across a EMA document recently and found that Pegasys is applying for indication extension to PV and ET. It provides, on page 53:
“Grouped application consisting of:
Extension of indication to include treatment of Polycythaemia Vera (PV) and Essential
thrombocytopenia (ET) for PEGASYS, based on published data of clinical studies conducted in
support of the efficacy and safety of Pegasys for the treatment of ET and PV. As a consequence,
sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.8 and 5.2 of the SmPC are updated. The Package Leaflet is updated in
accordance. Version 10.1 of the RMP has also been submitted. Furthermore, the PI is brought
in line with the latest QRD template version 10.3.”" (The full document here offers more details on this matter.)
It appears the application is based on published data and existing clinical trials, hence no additional trials are needed (and could potentially reducing the time required for approval?). If approved, Pegasys will no longer be an off-label drug for PV and ET treatment. I assume there will soon be a similar application in the US under section 505(b).
This development should be a good news for PV and ET patients as it provides another EMA/FDA approved choice of treatment (if approved). I guess that could also be somewhat helpful in terms of getting insurance reimbursement.