I’m going to have cataract surgery and I am very nervous and baca use susceptible to infection.So please any advice .Thankyou in advance
cataract surgery with MPN any one else had this ... - MPN Voice
cataract surgery with MPN any one else had this done

Hi, I have had catarcts removed from both eyes ( at different dates) with no problems other than a bit of a headache the next day. I have PV and take 75mg aspirin and 1000mg hydroxycarbamide daily. Hope this helps.
I have ET JAK2 and I had cataract surgery in both eyes about 2 years ago when I was on Hydroxy and aspirin. No problems at all.!
I had both eyes operated one, one before diagnosis of JAK2+ PV and one last week after a month on Hydroxycarbamide and 2 venesections. Absolutely no difference, great outcome, painless , no infections. Still using the steroid drops 4 times a day.
Don't worry. Be much better when you can see clearly! I have ET JAK 2 and am on Hydroxycarbamide 8 capsules weekly plus 75 mg aspirin daily for 28 months. Had second cataract surgery in May 2023. All went well. Certainly, about four days later, there was inflammation of the inner eye (so red eye and hypersensitivity to light, for which I wore sunshades) for a couple of days and I needed to continue post-operative eye drops slightly longer than normal. This was blamed on disease by cataract clinic. They said everything was fine. Would not necessarily happen to everyone ... I am 73 with dry eye syndrome!
I have PV and am sure n Jakafi and aspirin 75 mg, have had both eyes done, one well before diagnosis PV and the other at time of diagnosis and confirmation thereof. Both « a piece of cake ». You will be just fine. I would just add, to err on the safe side, make sure your specialist and team know about your meds. Good luck.
I’ve had both mine done in the past few months and all is fine. Just remember to follow instructions regarding cleaning the eye and the eyedrops . All the best! I was dreading having mine done but it was fine.
Thankyou all so very much Feel much calmer about it now .What a wonderful caring lot you are x
I had cataract surgery on one eye a few months ago and it was very straightforward. The procedure only lasted about 20 minutes and I had to take 2 types of drops afterwards, one for a month and the other for a week to prevent infection etc. I have PV and take 1gm hydroxycarbamide daily along with 75mg aspirin daily. The surgeon said I didn't need to stop the aspirin beforehand but I played safe and stopped 3 days before. I recommend you inform your haematology team to get their view on this. Obviously the eye surgeon needs to know about your MPN situation and any other concurrent medical issues. Compared to having root canal work on my teeth the cataract procedure was a piece of cake. Best wishes.
I have also had both eyes done with no problems
I have had PV since 2006. I had very successful cataract surgery in 2012. I can understand your concerns but it's very important that you have this surgery. I send you very best wishes and showers of blessings.
thankyou have my appointment on the 26th of October Thankyou for you reply .Very reassuring x
Hi Polish1,
i had both cataracts done in my early 50's, at a time when my PV was yet undiagnosed, but my blood counts were still very significantly elevated, and I had no problems at all.
Compared with having the foreknowledge and expert care that you have in place, I was at much greater risk then, than you are now.
Breathe slow and deep, and you will be just fine. It's an annoying procedure because you have to be awake and cooperate with it, but it wasn't painful or difficult otherwise.
Break a leg [figuratively only please!], and best wishes for your smooth sailing!
Thankyou very much x