Started Anagralide 7 days ago, & took horrendous headache today. Took Solpadeine Max, & this helped, but only to be used for 3 days, & are expensive. Can my GP give me strong painkillers, or should I jut stick with Solpadeine? Would Paracetamol maybe help? Again thank you for any response.
Painkiller advice for Anagrelide headaches. - MPN Voice
Painkiller advice for Anagrelide headaches.

I believe that Solpadeine Max contains paracetamol 500mg and codeine 12.8mg per tablet. Since it contains an opioid, use must be time limited due to the potential for addiction.
You could try using paracetamol alone in the max dose. I believe that the guidance is that adults should not take more than 4000 milligrams (4 grams) a day. Note that long-term use of paracetamol comes with liver toxicity risk.
This is really an issue to review with your hematologist. Your GP is unlikely to be aware of the issues involved in managing a patient with a MPN taking anagrelide.
It sounds like you are in a significant amount of discomfort. Suggest you treat this as an emergent issue and contact your MPN care team immediately.
Hi when I have really bad headaches - like a killer migraine - I take a Maxalt melt you are allowed to take another further in the day if needed - there are specific instructions - you can get it on prescription - find out from your GP if you can take this with the meds you are on.
It s the only thing that works for me and it is brilliant. Good Luck ! 🥰
Thank you very much for your help Jol 14