Can interferon injections cause high BP ? Does anybody have high BP and can still use interferon ?
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New question Can interferon injections cause High BP ?

hello Pippa2021, looking through the booklet, it does say that an uncommon side effect is high or low blood pressure, so this is something you need to discuss with your haematologist and your GP, as your high blood pressure may not be anything to do with the interferon. Best wishes, Maz
Thanks Mazcd
I don’t have high BP but I’m now prediabetic , although I’ve been told the two aren’t connected
I’ve suffered from high BP for many years & take medication for my blood pressure. When diagnosed with ET I carried on taking the medication alongside interferon.
(On Besremi) - My BP has been around 110/70 (66 yrs old) without medication. Recently it was up around 138/80 for 2 occasions. Was showing signs of a UTI and at the end of treatment my BP was back to the 110/70 range.