So after suffering from breathlessness for 3 years or more and being told by lung consultant that it was due to putting on a bit of weight I paid privately to see a cardiologist!!!
He looked at my notes from the lung specialists and saw that they’d fine Ct scans with & without contrast and that nothing had shown up .
So he sent me for a VQ scan as he said it was the best scan to see if I had blood clots in my lungs.
I went fir the scan and the following day I got a phone call from him with the results - he said it was a matter of urgency as the scan had showed up multiple bkood clots in both lungs. He said it was urgent I started medication immediately.
he prescribed Rivaoxaban.
my question is does anyone know if I can use CBD patches along with the Rivaoxaban as I have so much pain in my upper back . Normally I’ve used ibuprofen for this but I know I can’t use it now due to the Rivaoxaban.
So has anyone else used CBD while taking an anticoagulant?
Mazcd could you ask Claire Harrison’s n for me please