I’m ET Calr type 1 and just received my morphology evaluation yesterday. It now shows 3 new red blood cell findings: Anisocytosis (unequal sizes), Poikilocytosis (greater than 10% of cells abnormal shapes), and Elliptocytes (Elongated). Any ET members have these? MF members ? All my research states cause are either MF or hereditary. Not ET morphology findings I guess. I see my specialist in a couple of months, so I expect they will do a peak at marrow with these findings and it’s been 5 years since last tap.
Blood Morphology Evaluation: I’m ET Calr type... - MPN Voice
Blood Morphology Evaluation

I expect that your care team will need to do further evaluation to determine what is going on. It is likely that a full nutritional analysis would be indicated. Specifically, looking for anemia, iron, and Vit B levels. You may find this link of interest.
I would not assume this is any indication of progression of the ET. It could easily be something else like a nutritional deficiency. Suggest you follow up with your care team sooner rather than later. Some of the additional labs could identify what is going on.
Do please let us know how you get on.
Hi. I used to read blood smears. The unequal red blood cell sizes usually means there is anemia present.
I am ET triple -ve. Was on HU but was switched to Peg Interferon in late October. My last blood test also showed elliotocytes +, poikilocytosis +, polychromasia +, macrocytosis +, and a moderate neutropenia. I was told this was due to the effects of the interferon, so I am interested in responses to your question
I do hope that all turns out ok for you
Hi. Thats what my MF findings looked like. So, in order to see whats going on -and could be all sorts of things, as people have said- you’ll probably need a bone marrow biopsy to see if you have the marrow fibrosis that defines MF. Hope it gos well, and stay in touch.