Hi gave myself a third Pegusus injection last night all whent well sort of. Although the first 2 syringe needles appeared very fine, last night's needle looked larger in diameter and left a puncture mark. Should l be asking the pharmacy about needle size or perhaps it's just me lm still very new and anxious to self injection ..Best to everyone Adiewon
Hello Hello Interferon users: Hi gave myself a... - MPN Voice
Hello Hello Interferon users
wish you luck doing these hopefully you will be used to them soon
Thanks Cat.
if you have other syringe needle from past dose to compare with it then take it pharmacy if different. Also addresses on peg boxes re manufacturer. They are good if you can find email. I always use plenty of ice on area before I inject & pinch skin& put needle at angle as the leaflet should show. I get horrendous irritation around injection site for weeks after & still puncture mark visible. However I have extremely sensitive skin. Julia 👍
Thank you Exeter.
As long as I have been using peg the needles are always the same size. It is the type that comes in 2 parts and you take the caps off and push them together. The end of the needle has a diagonal slant to it. If you inject with the pointed bit closest to the skin , at the 45 degree angle they suggest, it should go nice and smoothly. My daughter who is a vet nurse told me that. And don’t worry if you think your imagination is running away with you. It happens to us all sometimes. I was convinced my new batch of peg was cloudy and even had hospital open up another one of theirs to compare. Must have driven them mad! Got my blood tests back and all was good so it was definitely me! Guess I simply hadn’t studied them properly before. And yes all new peg received after that definitely the same. Good luck
Thank you so kind and helpful.
I have never had that happen. While I have never seen a difference, some have noted that it helps if the 45 degree bevel on the tip of the needle is inserted the an upward slant. It is possible that you just had a needle that slipped through the quality assurance process. I did have one needle that the threads that correct to the syringe were a bit off.
Hopefully this was just a one-off occurrence. All the best.
Well quality and assurance are too seperate things and can l know from my experince go badly wrong. Anyway l prefer to think of it as more of a practise makes perfect thing.Thank you
I also found the needles that come with the medicine can have problems, in my case they are same size but sometimes dull which defeats the idea of a "needle".
I'm on Besremi which may use a different needle. But for what it's worth, Bes uses a
--30 gauge 1/2"-- needle
These can be bought cheap from many places. PEG may also use a standard needle you can get elsewhere.
After a couple duds from the Bes box my solution was to get needles from my Dr, his office is kind enough to give me ample supply. Those are consistently sharp.
Hi EP guy sooooo blooming helpful thank you. It's so challenging changing any meds never mind self injections. You have given me much to consider and good solutions. I feel so unnerved self injecting and need to build confidence and trust that its ok for me to question my meds and that lm still capable with my own self care.Thanks buddy

You're right, thinking it might hurt vs knowing it won't makes a big difference.
On your question below on insertion, my understanding and practice is to insert the whole 1/2 inch needle for Bes. Pinching the skin is important to make sure it doesn't go to lower layers, esp for someone like me where layers are thin.
EPguy thank you not sure l pinched enough flesh hope to do better next time,also lm requesting a finer gauge needle as l also have thin skin.Best wishes
I originally had very thin needles and had never injected myself before. I had a nurse show me. Then on another prescription they changed the size of needle and gave me a thicker one which was painful to use. I don't know why they randomly changed it, but I requested they change it back. The needle I use is very fine and I honestly can't even feel it. Just request the finest needle they have for the medication you are on.
Kiwijazz thank you so much, the first and second injection was with a very fine needle and l didn't feel a thing. I will request a finer needle and will let you know how it goes if that's 👍 OK.Thank you again
Kiwijazz you hit the nail on the head ( it's a saying when somthing is correct) tomorrow l will contact the hospital pharmacy and hopefully get it sorted out.Thank you
Hi Adiewon, I haven't noted any issues with the needles but the one time I felt the needle was when I didn't use an alcohol wipe at the injection area. Last night for example I swabbed with an alcohol wipe, injected at a 45deg angle and never felt a thing.Couldn't even see the mark after either.
I think the more you do it the easier it becomes.
Hi Cgred completely agree and can l ask you at the risk if appearing a real dunderhead is it best to inject the whole of the needle or just the tip?Thanks buddy

Hi there, I usually push the needle all the way into the skin at the angle but the needle isn't that long so I don't experience any discomfort with it. As mentioned in another thread, I make sure the liquid is at room temp and not cold. And I think pinching the skin helps too.
Hey CGred all good suggestions and will help me a great deal in this early stage.Thank you
that’s strange unfortunately it’s now in your sharps bin.certainly if it happens again you can. Good luck
Are the needles the ones that come with the Interferon? Or are they provided separately?
My Pegasys provided by my hospital in London, comes with their own needle attachment for the interferon viles which are only one use.
Persevere with it, you will get used to it. I was terrified when I started my injections the end of 2019. I always took a deep breath before starting, now I guess, I can almost do it with my eyes closed. REMEMBER that you can ask your haematology dept for help until you feel confident in doing it yourself, so ask for help if you need it.
All the best
Bless you LadyAbash really thoughtful feedback. The needles are not attached 27g half inch but come with the Roche Pegusus prefilled syringe. It sounds like your prescription. Yes l aim to preserve and l will ask for help if l get stuck.Thank you