Some times the description above sums up my condition perfectlyand it made me chuckle
Fatigue and more: Some times the description above... - MPN Voice
Fatigue and more
Me too!😂
Great commentary. Laughter is the best medicine! 🥴😀🤗😂
Thanks for the chuckle!!
made me smile. I know how you feel. Reminded me to look for a cream for the itch.
Spot on 😂
Brilliant 😂
Thanks! Needed a laugh!!😂
Excellent! Thanks.
Made me laugh -- and yes, absolutely
Love this. However, is this all we have left?. Tiredness fatigue, poor memory. Lord. Iam fighting like hell to be positive. Saw my MPN specialist last week.( Manchester) Now weighing up, Pegasys v Hydridroxy. Tough. .... No idea!!!!. I have 5 weeks to decide. But not definitive I guess. I love this forum. X
check out if you are CONTROLLED with H/R. 24-hr monitor best.
next doses with your age and condition.
When I was CONTROLLED finsally on Diltiazem 120mg am & 2.5mg Bisoprolol.2.0 TSH after Ca Thyroidectomy and reduced PRADAXA to 110mg x twice, and TVT Johnson & J horrid flammatory state removed my energy is coming back slowly.
I am increasing my walking a.I.Can.
Patience you will fight and get there when folks LISTEN to your symptoms.
Cheri. JOY. 73. (NZ)