Day +28 and longing to go home : I fully intended... - MPN Voice

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Day +28 and longing to go home

Otterfield profile image
62 Replies

I fully intended to keep you all updated as my transplant progressed but it didn't work out that way!

Honestly this is the toughest thing I have ever done. I am feeling better as time goes by but my blood counts keep raising my hopes then letting me down again - for example my neutrophils rose steadily to 0.9 but have now dropped back to 0.5 so I am feeling a little dejected and going home seems like a distant dream.

Apparently everything moves more slowly when the original disease is MF but anxiety is kicking in at the moment.

Sorry to sound so negative!

Love to you all, Jennie

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Otterfield profile image
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62 Replies
Cja1956 profile image

Hi, Jennie,

So sorry you are going through such a difficult time. Seems like the road to recovery is fraught with many challenges. Hang in there. I’m confident that things will turn around for you soon. We are all here for you.

Sending prayers, love, and hugs. 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼


Heidi-W profile image

Ah Jennie what a brave and honest post. So sorry to hear your recovery setbacks. Really hope over the coming weeks you start to feel better and stronger and everything crossed for you getting home soon. You've done so well getting this far and just hope the next stage is more bearable. Good luck and sending lots of love

Heidi x

ConniesDad profile image

Hi Jennie.

I know exactly what you mean about not being able to keep us updated on your progress. I know that most days just pass in a blur and sometimes it feels like one step forward and three steps back. But you are improving and you will get through it. I’m almost 3 months post transplant and it seems like years ago. Progress is slow but you will get there and you’ll look back at the experience soon enough wondering where the time went and marvel at how far you’ve come. I know we are all different and I know that so far I have been extremely lucky in my recovery but I’m feeling much better than before the treatment and I’m sending love and wishes that you will be feeling better too. All strength to you x.


Aneliv9 profile image
Aneliv9 in reply to ConniesDad

Do you have any problems after transplantation?

ConniesDad profile image
ConniesDad in reply to Aneliv9

Nothing significant to report other than a little nausea. I did have really low haemoglobin for several weeks that required regular red blood cell transfusions but the counts have stabilised now although they are still a bit low which does affect my stamina.

Aneliv9 profile image
Aneliv9 in reply to ConniesDad

That's great! So your doctor thinks you have been cured? Also what mutation did you have?

ConniesDad profile image
ConniesDad in reply to Aneliv9

He hasn’t said as much but he is very pleased with my progress. I have consistently recorded 100% donor cells in the chimerism testing and all other tests are showing consistent improvement.

I had CALR mutation but although this is considered lower risk in myelofibrosis I also had ASXL 1 mutation, which is high risk for progression to leukaemia.

Aneliv9 profile image
Aneliv9 in reply to ConniesDad

So this high risk mutation was the reason for asct?

hunter5582 profile image

Glad you decided to check in, especially since you are feeling negative right now. The slow pace of recovery would be very frustrating as well as the ups and downs. Unfortunately, that is how these procedures often go. A stem cell transplant is a really big deal and recovery takes time. Hard to keep in mind when struggling through the process though.

Please know that you are not alone and that there are a lot of people rooting for your recovery. We do all want to know how you are doing regardless of whether it is good times or bad. You will have our support no matter what.

Thoughts and prayers headed your way.

Aneliv9 profile image

All will go well. You are just early in the process and as time goes by, all will be fine! What does your doctor said to you about all your concerns?

Mostew profile image

So glad to get your update. I have wondered how you are doing .

As you know. No apologies needed here . I think i speak for all of us

Sending you a big hug


EPguy profile image

I was thinking of you recently and hoping to hear how it's going. Wishing you continued good hopes and steady progress.

Simon96 profile image

Hi Jennie, thanks for the update. Have been keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you. Sending your new stem cells some good vibes from New Zealand. Hope you get home soon. Hang in there, Simon

Poppy6060 profile image

Hi Jennie wishing you well it’s a long process but you will get there keep positive and thanks for posting Poppy x

MAP44 profile image

I am sure days are long and slow. Sending you much love with a big helping of hugs.

Don’t be defeated. Keep strong mentally and physically. You are being cheered for by the whole world. All the best ❤️XO

Emmyroos profile image

I wish you continued steady improvements and pray that you get to go home soon to enjoy your life with your new and improved bone marrow. Much love to you from around the globe. (Also I am sorry you have to eat hospital food - the worst. )

krotsida profile image

I hope you feel all the love surrounding you right now. We can't wait to see you feel better again Jennie.

neela2020 profile image

I was thinking about you , glad to hear from you. Dont worry , this low phase will soon pass by. Take good care of yourself and stay motivated, keep chatting and talking with dear ones !

loads of love and hugs !

Ettiel profile image

Hi Jennie, so good to hear from you and thanks for keeping us updated on your progress.

It must be very difficult to be in hospital for such long periods and can only imagine how much you miss home. The two steps forward one step back manner of your recovery must be disheartening but you are making progress all the time, albeit slow. As Hunter says everyone on here is rooting for you. Take heart Jennie, you will make it through. 😍


lizzziep profile image

Just sending you a virtual hug X

Nellin profile image

Hoping you gain from all the best wishes here, some inner strength and warmth. My wishes include that those naughty neuts get building and raise in numbers. Hang on to your lovely dream of home, I am sure it will be worth the wait.

Thanks for all your posts and honesty, which returns the strength we wish for you.

Nellin xx

Nickthedevil profile image

Sending lots of love and good wishes that thing start to improve soon. We are all thinking of you. Karen x

ritaandscooter1 profile image

You are such an inspiration to all of us! Prayers & best wishes are sent your way. You will get through this. kerry

Cityreach profile image

Wishing you the very best on your road to recovery and hope to start feel better soon x

Foodies profile image

My thoughts and prayers are with you for a steady speedy recovery.

Jazzyb50 profile image

Thinking of you Jennie xxx

mark382 profile image

Sorry to hear things are not progressing as quickly as you would like. Thank you for sharing your journey, it's very brave of you. Fingers crossed the moving forward is more than the little slips backwards. You are in our thoughts and prayers. As someone once said to me - when the dark clouds gather, uninvited and unwelcome, the sun continues to shine and one day there will be blue sky.

beetle profile image

it’s good to hear from you Jennie. I’m sorry that you are feeling that recovery is not happening smoothly or fast enough. We are ALL rooting for you and I hope our combined positive vibes will get you to the point of going home very soon. Stay positive as I’m convinced that helps. Best wishes,Jan x

Aldebaran25 profile image

Dear Jennie, thank you for the update, I really appreciate your effort to keep us informed although you are feeling a bit down . Hold on to the more positive feelings, the way is long and hard but going home eventually will be wonderful. If you felt your ears tingle it's the good vibes that we are all sending you and it's a planetary manifestation !

Bluetop profile image

Good to hear from you, but so sorry you are having such an awful time. I guess the operation itself is just one stage of the very long process and you have been so tolerant with it all! I do hope that you will soon turn the corner and the bloods will improve soon. Very best wishes.

Itch profile image

I do hope it all works well for you; it’s difficult to imagine just how awful you must feel at times. I have PMF, am 71 & BMT is being discussed as an option for me. I’ve looked at stats & feel this isn’t a route I want to take; especially as I live alone. You’re just re-affirming my thoughts. You’re very brave, I really wish you well . Susie 💞

Tartanlady profile image

Hello Jennie, sorry to hear you're having a rough time and its understandable that you are feeling low. We can only imagine how you are feeling but keep plodding on and things will improve I'm sure.

Lots of love and virtual hugs!


mhos61 profile image

Sending warm wishes your way Jennie. I really hope it’s not long until your well enough to return home. Xx

George1976 profile image

If you’re feeling better something good must be happening! Stay positive. All the best to you as you complete this treatment.

Barbiebreath profile image

Big hugs Jennie. Hoping you feel better and better every day.

MFBMT2011 profile image

II realise when I say that when I say it’s a marathon not a sprint that you will probably want to come and slap me as you have heard it so often, but it is.  The important thing is that you are on the road to recovery and need to be positive. It is a very tough ride and I felt like I had been run over by a steam roller after mine. Some sail through others take a lot longer. I look forward to meeting you one day when you are through it. Keep watching those counts rise. Best wishes Chris (the Princess Leia version)

azaelea profile image

So glad you have posted the update as you know we are all here for you with hope and prayers that your recovery will soon make quick progress and you will get home very soon. Hang on in there, we’re all here to uplift you. Love and prayers, Fran.❤️🙏

JediReject profile image

Hello Jennie , , Thanks for posting an update. Just want to endorse what Chris above says and to add that i was in a very similar postion with fluctuating counts barely above zero for weeks but this didnt prevent me from going home though i needed an extra week , 5 in total , due to increased liver counts. I must admit i was literally pacing the room counting my steps to 500 , 1000 etc (no Smart watch!) and would of walked up the walls and across the ceiling if i could of just to keep active.

In fact my Graft didnt come to life for some time after i got home and i was due a top up of Stem cells but it suddenly kicked in and my counts shot up. So please dont despair.

Sending my very best wishes to you and your husband.

Chris x

For information i got a pop,up message informing me that this platform doesnt support older versions of certain browser on my tablet and i needed to disable predictive text which was causing my word repetitions . Its a nuisance having to type every word but its solved my problem.

Bellakeira profile image

Thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery 💕💕🇦🇺

Hopetohelp profile image

Hang on in there. Little steps and one day at a time. You will get there. Big hugs

Dodders profile image

I remember the days post transplant dragging, being alone much of the time in the isolation room can seen like a form of solitary confinement. Sending you all good wishes for a smooth recovery.

ainslie profile image


I am sorry to hear things are not going as fast as you might hope and sorry to hear anxiety is troubling you. I am no expert on transplants but follow some others having them. It’s good a few others who have had transplants and have chipped in, my understanding is it is a bit of a marathon and will have its ups and downs for a while, somebody once said to me life can be like running a marathon but as with running a marathon best not think too much about the 26 miles , maybe best think about the next 200m , ie take it a day at a time. Similarly it would be amazing if you were not having some anxiety, it’s a major event and major trauma to the body, as with other operations it’s common to feel anxiety and change in mood. As with marathons it can feel like hell but try to keep a focus on the potential end result. Easier said than done by all us sitting at home but I hope that helps a bit. 😀

Sagiegirl profile image

Great to hear you are doing well, even if they are little steps. Hugs from Australia


Wyebird profile image

hey, you’ve had it done. You are on the home stretch.

Yes you can feel down , you have every right to feel that way. There is nothing you can do so just try and chill whilst those pesky neuts rise.

If you feel a moan then post. What ever you say or however you feel - post! You know that this site is brilliant for people to express their feelings as we all have an incline has to what you are going through

I say incline because I have ET. I really wonder if I would have the strength or fight to go through what you have been through.

You’ve done it!! Just remember that You’ve done it!

Hang in there!

Sending💝💐and lots of hugs

light profile image

Heavenly Father, I lift up to You our dear friend Jennie and I am asking for your help, with this difficult procedure of stem cell transplant and I am asking for Your healing Holy Spirit to shower all over Jennie and heal her and make it easier for her to get through this difficult situation. Send her your love and compassion so she will recover fast. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Endlesssunsets profile image

Hi Jennie

Thanks for posting. God bless you. You are brave and strong. Wishing you the best including steady improvement from here out. Big hugs many here who care. It’s a good place for us all to express ourselves grateful to you and this forum. Sending positive thoughts your way

mother2britton profile image


Keep grinding it out, although slow and tough you WILL recover. My thoughts are with you.

josup26 profile image

Stay in there hoping you feel better soon and home is not far away.


Inca profile image

Sending you the Very Best ,Jennie you are a brave strong lady,soon you will be feeling much better ,of course you just want to go home,I really do empathise with that feeling.Keep your positive mind and you will get over all of this hard time.E hugs and Very Best to your hubby too.,you both are strong dealing with what must be the most difficult situation.😍

Janis12 profile image

What a soldier!! Best wishes from me at Heddon On The Wall (famous for Hadrians Wall and the source of Foot and Mouth disease 2021).

Oscarsboy profile image

You have takcled such a huge challenge with great hope, grace and dignity and as so many have said on here already , we all encourage you to keep going, you will make it through, although I am sure it seems like a very long road and you long to be home. May that now not be too far away, a goal and a step at a time, and you have every right to have your down days, but we pray they will soon get fewer as you start to gain more strength.

KC63 profile image

Hi Jennie , sorry you are feeling low. Hopefully will improve very soon. Always look forward to hearing from you so big virtual hug for better days xxx

April-May profile image

Jennie - hoping you get comfort from all the loving comments on here Know that we are all wishing you well. God bless xx

SRH55 profile image

Hi Jennie,

Good to hear from you, but sorry you’re having a tough time at the moment. Sending positive thoughts your way & I hope you will be home very soon.

Very best wishes,


Threelions profile image


Thanks for looking in & sharing an update. As many have said we’re all right behind you. It’s impossible for those of us that haven’t been through this to fully understand how you’re feeling. Please know that we’re all thinking of you.

In my thoughts & prayers x


DiveGoddess profile image


Sending you a big hug of hope and peace. You are brave to have under gone that treatment. You now are tasked with staying brave. I don’t quite understand what your numbers mean. But am familiar with your feelings. Please keep working at it. Thank you for sharing with us your journey.

Tilly_Rose profile image

Hope you feel much better very soon sending all my love ♥️

Solyesh profile image


Thank you for your honest update. We are all pulling for you and know things will get better. As many have stated it is literally, one step at a time and you are so brave!

ciye profile image

Hopefully you will start to feel better as time goes by. Thanks for the update.

Ticotopia profile image

You are so brave! Thank you for sharing what you are going through. Sending love and admiration and wishes that you will be home soon!

Bullace profile image

Thank you for posting Jennie. I've been wondering how you were doing. I wish you all the best for better blood results and a swift return home. It's hard to be first hopeful and then disappointed all the time. Maybe the thing to hang onto is that you feel better than you did.

JaK2ET profile image

I've only just seen your original post and would like to add my best wishes. I hope you are now feeling at least a little better.

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