I would appreciate a recommendation for a ‘cool bag’ in which to store Pegasys jabs that I simply can’t deter from accompanying me on holiday. The rural Inn where I’ve chosen to stay does not supply a personal room fridge.
Storage bag/pouche to keep Pegasys at fridge te... - MPN Voice
Storage bag/pouche to keep Pegasys at fridge temp.while on the go.

I was faced with this for my EPO injections when I suddenly had to stay in hotels for family emergencies. Both hotels I had to use (in the UK)- one part of a large chain and the other a small private hotel - quite happily and without question put them in their fridge. A friend, whose son is diabetic and travels a lot, told me hotels are quite used to this. To get them there I used a SHBC insulin travel pouch which I labelled (from Amazon) which comes with ice packs to keep them cool but not frozen. You could phone and check the inn is prepared to do this to put your mind to ease.
Thanks that’s very helpful. I was worried about keeping the jabs cool enough on the train journey from London to the Scottish Highlands. The Inn has just confirmed it’s well accustomed to keeping customers’ medicine packs in its fridge on arrival. (asked if I preferred the fridge in the public bar or the kitchen?!!)
Oh dear now I have a vision of you doing your injection in the bar while having a much needed restorative drink after your long train trip🍷Mine were kept in the kitchen fridge!
Now that’s a great idea, DJK12!
I originally purchased a mini cooler about the size of a hard sunglasses case which uses mini cooler packs, (the type you freeze beforehand), these are good for short trips where you have confirmed access to a fridge.
However, due to the climate in my neck of the woods I wanted something more dependable for longer trips, (as not all hotels have mini fridges, as I’ve found out!).
I purchased a purpose made, tiny medicine fridge from lifeina.com/en/. It’s a proper medicine fridge that works on 12v for the car, 220v for hotels, home etc and has an internal battery. They do packages that include extra battery and carry case, (this is what I purchased). You can use it to store your meds at home apparently. There’s an App that enables the fridge to connect to your phone so you can constantly monitor the temperature of your meds. It’s made in France and understandably its a bit expensive (but it’s your health right), I also don’t trust those cheap Chinese made coolers pretending to be fridges, as these depend heavily on ambient temperature and may not reach the correct storage temperature. When I placed my order, (I was on holiday in Portugal), they actually called my phone me to confirm my order and home address, which I thought was a nice touch.
Another very important point to note is that the manufacturers of Pegasys Interferon state that it should be kept refrigerated between 2-8 Degrees C at all times and I’d stress out terribly if I was far away on holiday and knew my injections had spoiled.
Hope this helps you.
If not Google ‘Lifeina’ and go to their website. They also make the soft type travel cooler pouches.
"The Pegasys is supposed to be kept at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees Celsius (36 to 46 degrees Fahrenheit). It is packaged in a sealed container, which is then put into a cardboard container, which has a clear plastic window. As you may have noticed, they provide you with a cardboard box inside the cardboard container, and the box has a foam insert, where you can place the Pegasys. However, you can use a storage bag/pouch to place the Pegasys at those temperatures. Pegasys is a liquid medicine, and generally, liquid medicines need to be stored in a refrigerator. So this is a good requirement. In addition to this, keeping Pegasys refrigerated also extends its shelf life, so that it can be used at a later time. (<a href="ancasterfoodequipment.com/g... will also prevent the medicine from getting spoiled)."