Here is the MPN Progression webinar in case you missed it.
MPN Progression Webinar recording: Here is the MPN... - MPN Voice
MPN Progression Webinar recording

Hello Hunter...I did watch the MPN Progression webinar. The only thing I really learned was that at my age I am likely to die of something else! There was lots of repetition and it all seemed way over my head. I have an appointment with my GP tomorrow to go over many of my aches and pains and I also have a lump in my thyroid. I find your posts very interesting . I learn more from them than the seminar. Hope you are well
The bottom line is that most people with PV will live a near-normal lifespan. Some live longer. Some people with PV have a relatively indolent presentation. As I recall, you are already beating the longevity odds.
The bottom line is that there is a risk of progression into MF/AML for people with PV. They are beginning to understand what some of the risk factors are. There is also a risk of progression in the severity of PV symptoms without the progression of the PV into something else. Some of that also just goes with the turf of aging.
When dealing with the aches and pains, some is due to aging - some is in fact due to the PV. Those pesky mutated cells do more than crank out too many blood cells. Those buggers also produce too many inflammatory cytokines, resulting and various inflammation-related aches and pains. Treating for systemic inflammation can be very helpful.
All the best.
Thanks for this post. How do you treat for systemic inflammation? Best always.
The most effective thing I use is a bioavailable formulation of curcumin. It works better than any NSAID I ever took. I also take L-Glutathione and a fish oil derivative called SPM Active. All of this is under the care of an Integrative Medicine doctor. I always assume that if something is biologically active enough to helpe ot can also hurt me and interact with things.
Thanks so much for sharing this-good to hear what's going on in the research world.
I want to watch this… Thanks for posting!
Thanks for posting. Interested in watching this. B
Thank you Hunter for this valuable information. Find you posts well informed & interesting.
After Cutting out the verbiage, it has some good info. Thanks Hunter