There is some good news for those who are not getting good antibodies from the vax. These are not yet approved for use this way, but it is encouraging info to have.
There are two covid antibody treatments that are showing multi-month benefits. They are done with a regular shot rather than I.V. For example if you're on Rux or your WBC is low this may be helpful info to discuss with your Dr when they are approved.
Regen-Cov works for at least 8 months. This was announced today:
<<Single dose of REGEN-COV (1,200 mg subcutaneous) reduced the risk of COVID-19 by 81.6% during the pre-specified follow-up period (months 2-8), maintaining the 81.4% risk reduction previously reported during month 1>>
<<These results demonstrate that REGEN-COV has the potential to provide long-lasting immunity from SARS-CoV-2 infection, a result particularly important to those who do not respond to COVID-19 vaccines including people who are immunocompromised>>
From last Aug. <<AZD7442 reduced the risk of developing symptomatic COVID-19 by 77%, compared to placebo>> <<The half-life extension more than triples the durability of its action compared to conventional antibodies and could afford up to 12 months of protection from COVID-19 following a single administration>