I just found out I am pregnant I am 37 so not youngest for my first pregnancy. It was planned so I am happy but also a bit worried what will be the next steps to manage my pregnancy as best I can. I am on Aspirin and Pegasys right now.
I was trying to google the management of PV pregnancies but haven't found much about it. I do have a hematologist but I wouldn't say she is an MPN specialist (not sure if we have any in Slovakia) and now I am worried if she knows what is the goal of treatment during pregnancy and what are the safe levels of blood counts and other things which should be monitored. I would like to know more myself so I can also keep an eye on it.
My questions are: Does anybody from here have experience with PV pregnancy? Or do you know what are the recommended ranges of blood counts during pregnancy? How often should I be monitored now? What should be monitored? Thanks for any reactions