Hi everyone just to let you know what I was told today I had my Pfizer jab today and was told it was a full dose but on my vaccine card there is a sticker saying I had the booster I question this with a very helpful doctor there and he said yes you are right this is a third dose for you has you have PV and on treatment but we can only put a booster on the card and he said I should get a booster in six months but there is nothing set up yet for that at moment and he said who knows what will happen in six months so we may have yet another worry at that time and what with my card saying I have had it . I am I’m the Essex area I am just glad to have had it and has others have said on past post see what happen then I hope you all get yours soon best wishes Poppy
Jab today : Hi everyone just to let you know what... - MPN Voice
Jab today

I've been told the same thing. I'm 72, with MF at a pretty advanced state, but I still must wait until six months and one week after my second shot. This just does not make sense, especially after all the information we've been given about vulnerable sections of the population.
I have had my third injection and was told that it is the same dose as a booster and the PC program don't allow the operator to write "third initial dose" so he wrote that in the message area. Also he recommended me to make sure my GP had observed this comment, so I will get a booster in 6 month.
Also it doesn’t appear on the NHS app yet
Hi I haven’t looked on the NHS app yet but I am not surprised it’s not there wonder if it will be in a few months time but the doctor I spoke to at least did know all about blood conditions and the third dose i just wish I had gotten them to write something down but the centre was so busy it’s all done so fast thanks for replying Poppy
my third dose on Friday was noted on the vaccine card, and the administrator volunteered that I would get a booster. The vaccine hub appear to be the only ones I have met who are clued up about the third primary dose.!!
Hi JabON thats good you have had your jab and good you got it noted has a third jab and not booster I wish my card didn’t say that but you are right it’s good the vaccine hubs do know about it has even my doctors didn’t how confusing all this has been for all of us take care Poppy