Hi everyone. I'm looking for a bit of help please.
I have PV, diagnosed in Jan 2017, and am 42 years old. Currently taking daily baby aspirin and venesections when required. My platelets have recently breached the million mark and my haem team have arranged an appointment to discuss treatment options for when my counts get to the magic 1.5 million.
I was told previously, in an offhand manner, that HU would be my only option when the time came but that was by a haematologist that said I would be fine until I was 60 and then might have to start treatment! I mentioned to my Macmillan nurse the other day that I would like to chat this over because, given my age, I feel that there could be a better option for me to try first, instead of heading straight to HU.
I have googled for information on treatment options but I thought that reaching out here might be useful too, as many of you will already have had such discussions and done research on treatments and I would be very grateful if anyone could let me know what options might be available in Scotland as an alternative to HU?
To be clear, this is purely so that I can go into this consultation informed about potential options and have a detailed discussion, advocating for myself, as I feel that HU as the only option is me being fobbed off with the easiest and perhaps cheapest solution. I will of course, listen to medical advice regarding these options during the consultation but I just want the haematologist to know that I'm aware of other possibilities and that HU for someone of my age could be more complicated in the long run.
If I need to, after that consultation, depending on the information they give me relating specifically to myself and my situation, I may want a second opinion, but I just want to know that all routes have been looked into before deciding on a course of treatment. That summarises it for me really - I need to know that other options have been discounted for a real reason, but have been considered.
I hope that all makes sense, and apologies for the long post! If anyone in Scotland or the UK can assist, I would be very grateful, thank you so much