Thrombosis trigger to AstraZenica vaccination di... - MPN Voice

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Thrombosis trigger to AstraZenica vaccination discovered - not yet peer reviewed

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12 Replies

It has been reported that researchers in Germany (and concurrently in Norway) have identified a potential trigger for unusual thrombosis after the Astra Zenica vaccination. It was reported in the Wall Street Journal less than a day ago. It is yet to be peer reviewed. I for one am relieved to hear this because at no time has it been conclusively ruled out that there is no link between clots and Covid vaccination, just that there had been no evidence to date that a link was there. The statements from European Medicines Agency 18 March summarised that the benefits of vaccination outweighed the risks, and that there was more risk from Covid than vaccination. However, that doesn't mean there is no risk from the Astra Zenica vaccine. I think this finding, once confirmed, helps reduce fear of the vaccine, as it says below.

Summary of key points:

It is extremely rare; it is an autoimmune complication to Astra Zenica vaccination; it can be diagnosed and treated when symptoms persist more than 3 days after vaccination.

Some quotes: 'The German researchers, who coordinated with colleagues in Austria, Ireland and Britain, said in a statement that patients who show symptoms four days after vaccination, such as headaches, dizziness or impaired vision, could be quickly diagnosed with a blood test. Prof. Greinacher said the news meant that people shouldn’t fear the vaccine.'

“Very, very few people will develop this complication,” Prof. Greinacher said in a press conference Friday. “But if it happens, we now know how to treat the patients.”

'Once diagnosed, the condition should be treated with blood thinning medication and immunoglobulin, which targets the antibody that causes the problem. “We believe the most likely hypothesis is that this particular vaccine is causing a rare autoimmune reaction that triggers antibodies, which then interact with the platelets, but we don’t know why this is happening,” Dr. Klamroth said.'

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12 Replies
MPort profile image

Thank you for posting this. We only hear the dramatic reactions that can cause suspicion. Explanations like this put it into perspective.

socrates_8 profile image

Thanks for Posting this interesting information...

It is worth closely watching & continuing to follow all these illuminating developments.

Best wishes


izzydrc profile image

MPNBlog profile image
MPNBlog in reply to izzydrc

Thanks for posting this in NYTimes - I saw it after I posted above. Given these further cases on Saturday, I can understand Denmark, Sweden and Finland and a few other countries not resuming vaccination using AZ. A blanket statement that 'Astra Zenica is safe and effective' isn't the full story for me. And that isn't the entirety of what the EMA said - their statement has been edited by media in an attempt to not damage public confidence.

The German/Norwegian 'theories' about a rare and unusual autoimmune response seem plausible to me. And the German and Norwegian researchers now say they have identified antibodies to support their theory.

It seems that females 20 - 50 years are one of the groups most at risk from this autoimmune type reaction. I have read that there could be some connection to the contraceptive pill as noted below by Gordonek. But that doesn't explain the male cases. Another additional theory being investigated is whether or not the people affected have had some exposure to Covid prior to the vaccination and the vaccination has then triggered a super autoimmune reaction in which people developed very unusual antibodies which affect platelets. Many of the cases were medical staff at facilities where Covid patients had been treated, so that is plausible.

I have 3 daughters-in-law in that 20 - 55yrs age bracket and I hope that there are more answers before they become eligible for the vaccine. I'm thankful that so much is being researched so quickly. But it is concerning, even if rare.

MPNBlog profile image
MPNBlog in reply to izzydrc

I thought I should add a note about the EMA statement izzydrc. The EMA concluded that the benefits of vaccine outweigh the side effects. However, they also stated - here's the direct quote: “However, the vaccine may be associated with very rare cases of blood clots associated with thrombocytopenia, i.e. low levels of blood platelets (elements in the blood that help it to clot) with or without bleeding, including rare cases of clots in the vessels draining blood from the brain (CVST).”

The statement also says:

“A causal link with the vaccine is not proven, but is possible and deserves further analysis.”

Here's a link to the full statement for those following this thread: 18 March 2021

I've heard a suggestion that cases of clots are lower in the UK because they started their vaccination program with the elderly so haven’t vaccinated the same volume of younger people yet as in the EU. And the USA haven’t yet approved Astra Zenica.

Note that France has only approved the re-start of their vaccination program in over 55 year olds.

Stay safe and well.

Gordonek profile image

I have the rare thrombosis mentioned (CVST). Was discovered after I had 'stroke like' symptoms about 2 years ago. Most of it still remains in my head but the blood has found other pathways to drain out (your brain is quite amazing). After investigation of the cause of the CVST, ET Jak2+ was diagnosed as the cause and was probably the cause of a small heart attack 10 years previously. The interesting information I found out on a CVST forum, after my diagnosis, was that there were a lot of young females on the forum and the main cause of their thrombosis was the cotraceptive pill. That might explain the mainly 'young female' population of patients diagnosed in the EU!

MPNBlog profile image
MPNBlog in reply to Gordonek

Hi Gordonek. Gosh - I do hope you are keeping well now. Amazing that CVST resulted in your dx. You will appreciate the current concerns about this more than most of us. Best wishes.

Gordonek profile image
Gordonek in reply to MPNBlog

Thx... Yes was pretty scary month in hospital.. On lifetime blood thinners and Hydroxy... Always find the 'how are you' type question hard to reply to woth regard to thrombosis... Your OK until you have another one... Good luck

MPNBlog profile image
MPNBlog in reply to Gordonek

Wow. You're a survivor. Live life to the full. And keep an eye on your blood results!

Gordonek profile image

It is important to be aware of all symptoms of the different thrombosis. Thrombosis is the real and present danger associated with ET

MPNBlog profile image
MPNBlog in reply to Gordonek

Hi Gordonek - I absolutely agree with you. Thrombosis is also a main risk in PV. I have PV, and also my brother. He has had several TIAs and a stroke. But in PV I think too many red cells play a part.

MPNBlog profile image

I'm replying to myself here as I'm not sure how else to post this new info. Here is a link to a podcast from Australia by a doctor and journalist with further explanation and discussion of the German/Norwegian theories and evidence about clotting after Astra Zenica vaccination especially for females under 55:

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