Having recently been diagnosed with essential thrombocythemia, I do not know whether I should be shielding. Can anyone advise me?
Shielding : Having recently been diagnosed with... - MPN Voice

hello Netty64, this is the advice we have issued on our website for people with MPNs regarding shielding etc, mpnvoice.org.uk/coronavirus...
you can discuss your personal circumstances regarding this with your haematology team. Best wishes, Maz
Hi netty64, the general advice of the government is that all people with blood cancers should be shielding, but that's not the the advice given by most haematologists in the UK. I'm posting a link to the info that MPN voice gave on the subject way back in March last year. It will tell you all you need to know.
By the way, whether you are advised to shield or not, seems to differ according to health board/doctor. Stay safe. Liz
If I was you I would do what you feel is safe .
We are all different . I had shielding letter ages ago and get them every month. I have done all the basic things keeping distance , washing hands etc and have continued to go out
I've got et triple negative and havent had a shielding letter but have been keeping a careful distance myself. I asked my consultant about if I should have had a letter and didnt get an answer. I know others in same health board with condition who did get a letter so it seems like a lottery as to if you get one or not
Hi, was going to say as Mazcd has said, I always ask my haematology office, best as they are really in charge of your care. Best wishes.
I am in the same position too. My haematologist said shielding is an extra precaution. The Hyroxycarbamide may reduce protective blood components, but unlikely on your starting dose. I am going for walks & out in the car, but no supermarkets just now. Guess you are having regular blood tests so you could ask to be kept informed of the results i.e normal white cell & neutrophil count. Hope this helps.xx
HelloI have ET and was not told to shield, but following the MPN Voice advice I told my GP and have now been added to the list.
On Thursday the Guardian published a report that you should see and that means I am definitely shielding until I get that second Pfizer jab!!! take a look at those numbers!
Here is the link....