Time to check it out ,been feeling dizzy with headaches more often ,my lovely Jacob has decided to be on the safe side ,,but I do hate scans ,don't you ?? Everything crossed for a good result ... See you all with updates ,,keep twinklin ..xxxx
I'm glad the sun is shining on this orrible Mond... - MPN Voice
I'm glad the sun is shining on this orrible Monday ,iv got hospital today ,brain scan .i had a fall in tesco car park ,dizzy and headaches .

Good Luck with your scan - hope all ok for you, take care
Love Caz xx
Good Luck ,Twinkly,you will be fine.I cracked my head when in U K,a loose dog tried to attack my two,they were on leaders,I fell on road,unconscious,had scans,like you are about to,All was O K ,but headaches and dizziness,blurred vision too lasted for many weeks,so don't worry ,warm wishes for all to be O K
Oh dear 'Mother' - you need to take more water with it . . . . OK I don't mean it. I'm sorry you've experienced a fall and hope you're back on sparkling form as soon as. . You're clearly made of tough stuff Twinkly and I'm sure you will make a speedy recovery. It would be a tad embarrassing if I went for a brain scan and I'll say no more than that. . .
All the very best to you. JR - the wayward son x
Well now JR..I'm absolutly fine now .i did have very attractive blue knees ,and a bump on my head ..acosted by a shopping trolley ..but the doctor at my scan today ,was amused to find my head was full of dogs ,,( no change there then ) .get the real results at the cancer clinic next visit.. I'm very pleased to hear from you ,that you are in good form .bet you have a golden tan ,living near the coast .Lucky you in the sunshine at Blackpool ...keep twinklin my wayward son ....xx
I know I'm new here but just like to say I love reading your lovely positive and sometimes amusing posts both of you .
Love the head full of dogs lol and hope all is well when you get your results x
Hi Twinkly sorry did not read your post before you went for your scan. Hope it went ok. Please let us Know how you get on.... Thinking of you Liz C xx
Hi Twinkly good luck for your results, hope all is well. You are a ray of sunshine on our cloudy days xxx
Hi lovely Twinkly hope your head full of dogs is feeling lots better. Sending you huge hugs xxxxxx
Nothing wrong with a head full of dogs (or a house full of dogs come to that!) Hope all goes well with the results. At least you'll be able to say you have proof you have a brain! X
Hope all went well with your scan Twinkly and that the headaches and dizziness get sorted soon. Until they do though, pleases take care x