Hi all, I'm Nayia, new here, suffer with severe health anxiety that keeps me from washing, eating and getting out of bed if there is a worry (in 2016 i had a mental breakdown with crisis team and psychiatrist because of health anxiety and I'm listed as severe). Had blood test Friday as my migraines and palpitations worsening. Everything came back normal but my platelets are high. I don't know what the amount is as the Dr's won't tell me because they know I'll Google non stop and they only give results to my sister. Dr asked if I've got any bleeding or infection. I said no infection I'm aware of but bleeding from bottom every day for four years (little each time) which is piles. He said ok, sending me for a chest x ray and used the word lung cancer because high platelets are a symptom. He said he's not concerned as I don't get out of breath, i can walk fast and uphill and distance with no problems and merely a tick list that Dr's have to do as protocol for high platelets (thrombocytosis). But I'm terrified now and my left boob is getting shooting pains going into my shoulder which I'm told is hormonal but it's all too much. Has anyone else been sent for chest x ray? Thank you in advance
Chest X Ray for High Platelet TERRIFIED 😰 - MPN Voice
Chest X Ray for High Platelet TERRIFIED 😰

Well you found this website so I guess you Googled anyway. Suggest you take a deep breath and relax. Time will tell what is up with the thrombocytosis (elevated platelets). Thrombocytosis can be either primary (Essential) or secondary (Reactive). It sound like your doc is just being careful and ruling out the causes for the elevation in your platelets. FYI - a chronic GI bleed can also cause your body to make more platelets. Being really anxious and stressed can also increase platelet count. Be assured you and your care team will get to the bottom of what is going on and deal with it.
FYI - I was diagnosed with Essential Thrombocythemia about 30 years ago. It progressed to Polycythemia Vera about 7 years ago. I also have Neurofibromatosis Type 1 that caused a brain tumor that I had resected last year. Have also had recent heart surgery for tachycardia and a tumor removed from my jaw. Multiple other health issues too, but the point is I have had a good life and continue to do so. There have been some challenges recently, but I choose to not let them overcome me. Of course there is fear and anxiety - but it can be dealt with. I have developed effective coping skills to manage fear and anxiety. Know that you can do the same. I expect dealing with the anxiety would be the best thing you can do for yourself at this point in time.
I will leave you with this quote, which is a bit of philosophy I find quite helpful.
I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing. Only I will remain." Frank Herbert - Dune.
Thank you so much for your reply and sharing your history with me. You have and are going through a lot. Unfortunately my health anxiety caused a mental breakdown in 2016 with the crisis team and psychiatrist and had multiple psychology and counselling but to no avail so breathing etc does not help me, as I've also OCD and borderline personality disorder.
I send you a big hope and do hope you can find some peace in your life xx
Why would he mention lung cancer? Isolated elevated platelets is not a symptom of lung cancer. There are so many reasons for thrombocytosis.
Because thrombocytosis is listed as a possible symptom, and they have to follow protocol. I've read others who have been in same position. They rule that out and then retest bloods to decide the next step, if not returned to normal, to see, for example, a blood specialist and or inflammation found.
That is strange. I have high platelets but I was never sent in for a chest x-ray nor did my doctor suspect lung cancer or any type of cancer (besides an MPN). I was immediately referred to hematology and will be doing iron and gene testing in 6 months. Also, I’ve had migraines and heart palpitations recently but they went away shortly after and haven’t returned. I’m guessing they were from stress/anxiety. Happy to hear you don’t have any symptoms of lung cancer, I really really doubt that is the cause. I hope you get some answers soon just try to relax, Dr.Google will only make things worse!
I don't have any lung cancer symptoms at all and he said very reassuring and he's not worried, but I am terrified!
Hi peach.Unbelievable high platelets can be a symptom of lung cancer. Before I was diagnosed just over 12 years ago I was very symptomatic with off the scale platelets and also other bloods counts well out of range. Just before then I had a small stroke. When my symptoms didn't improve, ie, blue toe, huge weight loss, visual disturbances, pin & needles etc. (too many symptoms to list) they started a rake of tests over a period of 6 months. I think they sent me to every department over 2 hospitals. I Had tests on the heart,lungs and vascular system. I was tested for HIV to MS. It was all part of ruling everything out. Only a Bmb finally diagnosed me with Jak2 Et. 7 years after that I had a more significant stroke while on Hydrea and aspirin. Still on Hydrea but aspirin replaced with clopidogrel. Also on other meds for other health conditions not accociated with Mpn. But on the whole, I would still say you can live life to the full after diagnosis once main symtoms are under control if you are symtomatic. You learn to live with an Mpn. You don't let an Mpn live your life. Atb,Tina.🤗
I have no symptoms of LC and my dr is not worried, i can walk fast and up hills. But I'm so ill mentally now with fear.
Hi , so you have researched your condition. In that case welcome. Don’t jump to conclusions until
You have been officially diagnosed but rest assured blood test, examination of you lymph nodes, camera up bowel and down throat- no big deal and spleen scan are I think all normal procedures.
All to eliminate an infection or bleeding somewhere which could cause high platelets.
Certainly that’s what I had.
If and when you get diagnosed it might even become a huge relief. There are far far worse illnesses than this one.
Do you exercise? Doesn’t matter how bad you feel you must drag your self out and do something.
Hunter has given sound advice.
Sending you hugs
Sorry you have suffered so much. Health anxiety is so unpleasant and can arise from sometimes, it seems out of nowhere. I ma sure the doctors will look after you and are starting with a sound x-ray to exclude any chest/lung problems. I wonder if they might refer you to haematology next for more specialised blood tests.
Please do let us know. This forum is very supportive and
Hi there.
There’s no point me telling you to ‘chill’ or ‘relax’ or not Google! So what I will say is that yes, when my blood tests indicated high platelets the haematologist sent me for a chest x ray. But he also sent me for a raft of blood tests and an ultrasound. What he suspected was a Myeloproliferative disorder (Essential thrombocythemia). Neither the GP nor the haematologist - nor indeed the cardiologist who fist picked up the high platelet count - suspected anything other than a blood disorder.
As your doctor has said he doesn’t think you have lung cancer and he is just following protocol. Though it seems a pretty random call. (Are you a heavy smoker???)
There are lots of innocuous reasons for elevated platelets like having an infection. So obviously further investigations are sensible.
Hope you find peace and get some answers.
Hi Nayja
Sorry to hear about your health anxiety.
I also have an anxiety disorder and l understand how overwhelming it can be.
Few things that help me - if l get anxious l google anxiety and remind myself of it’s symptoms rather then googling what l am worrying/ruminating about
I also tell myself that thoughts are not facts. Just because thoughts are existing or present, does not mean they are true.
If you can get some support or therapy it can be so beneficial. Imagine a life without these constant thoughts one where you can manage them - they can be so debilitating
Good luck - this article might be helpful

Thank you. It's so hard for those who don't already suffer this crippling mental illness to understand how hard it is, let alone now. 😕😊

Therapy has never helped me, I've had years and years and psychiatrist and Crisis Team!
If you can see a cognitive psychotherapist rather then a psychiatrist. These therapists teach you practical techniques to manage your anxiety.

I've seen 3 different CBT specialists, and they can't help me.
Sorry to hear that. Its true it doesn’t work for everyone. I have seen my therapist for nearly three years- it was very difficult at first. My anxiety was triggered by my brothers sudden death. I honestly thought l would never be back to my self. I now see my therapist monthly and it helps immensely. Hope you get answers and the help you need

I'm so sorry to hear that and i completely empathise. I had my breakdown in 2016, my dad, who I lived with and who was my best friend looked after me. I never got that much better. Then on 1st October, 2018, just 4 days before his 72nd birthday, I found him dead in his sleep. It traumatised me and broke my heart, as you can understand, and I've since found it difficult living alone and supporting myself which my dad would do, and with all my mental illnesses.
Can anyone at least tell me, please, why the Dr is asking me to retest all bloods in 4 weeks (just under now)? As I've high platelets, would that not warrant repeat blood tests sooner, x ray aside?
I'm so sorry you are suffering so much with anxiety. I think all of us here have suffered health anxiety to an extent but it's clear that you struggle much more than most. I once read that we cannot easily control our thoughts and feelings but we CAN control what we do, so try hard not to Google. The best information is on the MPN Voice website. As for your last question, in my experience a four week gap before another test is fairly standard. I won't say try not to worry because you can't help it, but remember you will ALWAYS get support on this forum. Very best wishes, Jennie
Hi Nayia.
I was sent for a chest X-ray as part of the initial investigation into my ET diagnosis. I just assumed at the time it was part of the process of elimination.
I can totally empathise with your anxiety, as I too have suffered from anxiety in the past, however, your level of anxiety sounds pretty debilitating, I can’t imagine how that feels.
I think you have been given some excellent advise already. It’s no good me telling you not to worry, as it’s something you can’t control. All I can say is we’re here to support you in any way we can.
Hello Nadia l can identify with much of what you have written and like you suffer from anxiety and excessive worry.Psins in my breast and rapid heart beats lead to a recent mammogram came back clear thank God and a recent heart monitor again negative results. Although greatly relieved l have had to acknowledge the negative effects the current pandemic is having on my well being. lm trying to improve my self care and certainly reaching out to others as you have is helping.☺️

Thank you, i too have boob shooting sensation, and very bad palpitations of which the ecg didn't pick up and I'm having holter monitor in January.
Sorry for spelling your name incorrectly Nayia ,have given my specs a good clean Best wishes.
Dear all, could the daily rectal bleeding for 4 years, be the cause of the high platelets as Dr said it may be. It's chronic bleeding, small amounts (sometimes more if straining, sorry)? It will get looked into now the Dr is aware (I did tell him two years ago when i was bleeding but my platelets were only 541, whereas now they're much higher), after x ray and next lot of bloods but someone must know please as it's chronic 🤔